Chapter 5: In Sasuke's Bedroom...

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Sasuke and i finish our part of the mission and head back to the village together. Once we get to the village we were about to go our seprate ways. "well, that was fun, im gonna head home now, see ya in training tomorrow!" before i could walk away, Sasuke grabs my arm and stops me. "stay with me for a little while" he says "eh...?" i didnt know what to say. "um, i REALLY gotta go..." i say. "please...? it wont be long" he says. I sigh "...fine" i finally say. then we start going to his house. We get to Sasuke's house and he opens the door for me. I walk inside and take my shoes off. "wow...Your place is big..." i say "thats not the only thing thats big..." i hear him mumble. "hm?" i turn around "thanks" he says. I just smile at him. "your welcome!" i say. He blushes and turns away. "can i show you my bedroom?" he asks me. Say no say no say no say no! i kept repeating. "sure" i say. NOOOOOO! i thought. We both walk to his room and he opens the door for me. I walk in. " wow...Awesome" i say "thanks" he says behind me. i lay on his bed and stretch. "damn, this is so comfy!" i say laying down. "i know, its okay i guess..." he says. "oh, im sorry...I didnt mean to get on your bed without permission..." i say. Sasuke gets on top of me and pins me down. "actually, you have my permission to do anything you want here ~" he says smirking at me. "S-sasuke...What are you...?" he kisses me to shut me up "you talk too much...And for some reason that turns me on..." he says slowly taking off my shirt. "N-no...! sasuke! stop...P-please!!" i say trying to get up. he kisses my neck and starts touching me all over. What is happening right now?!?!?!!

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