Y/n's story

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Y/n L/n has had a average life within the outer colonies. He had want any kid would have a family and friends. Though it all changed on that one fateful day. When the Covenant came to his home and killed everyone he knew and loved. His mom and dad, as his little siblings all dead. Killed by a Elite as he was it's next victim he was saved by a ODST. Over time as he grew in age he holds a picture of his family who all died on that fateful day. He swore that he will make them pay. Y/n then joined the Marines and fought 5 years in a serious of battles and soon was accepted into the ODSTs due to his performance and track record. The ODST training was difficult but he never gave up and push through his mental and physical barriers and soon became one. He was given his own ODST suit with a pack on the back. Knife on the left side of the chest.

From then on he fought with fury and try to kill as many Covenant as he can

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From then on he fought with fury and try to kill as many Covenant as he can. Y/n is a excellent soldier as stated by his commanding officers who saw him fight. Y/n's has never had a problem with Spartans unlike others. They are fighting on the same side for the same cause the survival of the human race. That's all he knows and accepts them. In the next nine years if his career he's been fighting the covenant in every battle he's participated in. Though over that time he's been sweet on one woman who he meet who return his affection named Sarah Richards as she is a ODST as well. They have begun to spend time together and soon both became a couple. Even in their darkest time of human history they can still find love and that is what makes them keep fighting and hoping for the war to end. Though in this case some things never last long. As in one mission where both Y/n and Sarah with their Squad move to evacuate the civilians.

In the mission

Y/n and his team have been guiding the civilians to here the Evac is while fighting covenant forces.

Y/n: Clear move in.

The rest move out spread out searching for any enemy on their radar.

ODST sniper: Clear Sir.

Sarah: Clear Y/n.

He was about to move tell the civilians to move forward but then his radar blinked and soon the rest wonder where is the enemy. Y/n looked around until he saw a little wave infront of Sarah and knows is a camouflage elite.

Y/n: Sarah move out of the way!

Sarah: What a........



Y/n: Noooooo!!

There he along with the rest saw Sarah get stabbed by the energy sword by a elite. Y/n lifted his BR and shot the son of a bitch until his shield were out and the sniper killed him. He moved in towards her.

Y/n:You're going to be okay Sarah just hold on Medic!

Sarah:*coughs* I-It's to late to save me Y/n.

Y/n: Don't say that there always a chance. Where is the damn Medic!!

She reaches for her dog tags and takes them off and lifts it towards him.

Sarah:*coughs* Y/n please they need you

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Sarah:*coughs* Y/n please they need you. *coughs* Humanity needs every soldier in the fight. Please do it for me.

He hesitated to grab the god tags but soon grabbed them while holding her hand. With the other holding her head.

Y/n: I will Sarah. But please hang on.

Sarah:I'm sorry *cough* Y/n. I feel it's near please don't be sad. Know that I will always be with you. I know you'll find someone else who you'll make happy as you made me. Y/n these last few years with you were the best years of my life. I love you.

She closes her eyes and dies as Y/n saw the medic heading there way.

Y/n: Sarah he's here he's going to patch you up.

When he looked down he saw her eyes close and said.

Y/n: Sarah wake up please don't go.

The medic saw it all and checked to make sure and said with sorrow in his voice he said.

Medic: I'm sorry sir but she's gone.

Y/n: It can't be.... Sarah!! Saraah!!

He hold on her body while releasing tears as his squad look sad at the loss of one of their fellow soldiers and someone close to Y/n. As the Pelicans arrived he carried her body there to give her a proper funeral that she deserves.  There he made a promise to her that he will win this war for her.

Over the next ten years

Y/n now a Strike Commander has lead UNSC ground forces on a numerous battles against the covenant and now flood as now they are fighting in the Ark after the battle of Earth. They know of halo and it's true purpose and the flood. They all fought valiantly against impossible odds and in the final hour before the halo fired all ground forces were evacuated as they say the war is over. Though one stayed behind and it was Y/n. He ordered his men to evacuate while he hold off the flood. As he saw the last pelican leave he ran out to conserve ammo. On the way he found a dead elite corpse with a purple object in its leg. He took it with he energy sword handle to see what it can do. Once he activated it he was camouflage. Then pressed it again and he was back. He decided to keep it for a souvenir for his final time. There he found a tree and lay down and rest as he saw the halo ready to fire and took out two pictures of his family and both he and Sarah together while he wears her tags with his. He look while saying.

Y/n: Don't worry mom,dad,little bro and Sister and Sarah. I'll be with you guys soon.

He put them away while he closed his eyes and ready to accept his fate. As the Halo fired he didn't die but as the flash took him but it took him somewhere else he didn't expect Earth.

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