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After a few days of the incident Kacchan has hardly talked to me. I mean it's normal but he always comes to me telling me how useless I am at least. I wonder what's going on in his head. Trying to read is his mind is as impossible as getting myself a quirk. Speaking of quirk I decided today I would finally go to the place Tomu-chan promised to get me a quirk from his master. It was Friday and I was walking with Kacchan well more like following him. I know stalking is bad but I just can't seem to stay away from him. I guess that's what they mean when you're love struck. Or maybe... I'm obsessed? No that can't be! Kacchan and I always took the same route since our homes where the same direction. This time I took a different path leading to Tomu-chan's place. I hope Kacchan didn't notice (he did). I start following the directions not noticing that Kacchan had seen me go off. I take a few turns there and there every time I got closer to the location it got darker and darker. Soon I was sure that I arrived but the building looked to old and worn out that I knew I got lost.

"Let's see if I'm here then.."

"MIDORIYAA!" I hear a familiar voice yell. I turn around to see Tomu-chan running towards me.

"Hi Tomu-chan!" I greet with a smile. I see him blushing and immediately get confused. "God I think your quirk was secretly being cute!" He gushed making me embarrassed.

"Ah no I don't know about that-" 

"SHIGARAKI!" I hear someone else shout. I spot a high school girl heading towards us. She had blonde hair and it was made into 2 messy buns.

"Yeah?" Tomu-chan asked with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Is this the cutie you were talking about?" The girl walked up to me and began to squish my cheeks. "Uwah- P-please s-stop!" I muffled as she kept pinching my cheeks. 

"Aw sorry you're just so cute I wanna cut you!" She said freaking me out a bit.

"Toga... stop" Tomu-chan instructed and she just pouted crossing her arms.  I giggle at her cuteness and tell her, "It's okay Toga-chan." I tell her and she smiles giving me a hug. "I was joking sorry." She assures me and lets go.

"It's fine. So Tomu-chan!-"

"TOMU-CHAN!?" Toga yelled in shock. Tomu-chan blushed and just pretended to no hear her. 
"Come with me Midoriya." He said going off I follow him as Toga walk beside me. 

We walked inside the old broken building making me gulp. We reached a room that looked like a mini bar. There was shelves filled with alcohol bottles. There was a jukebox near another door and there was about five chairs for people to sit.

"Come Midoriya." Tomu-chan instructed. I walked to him and saw a television was put on the wall as well. "Master I brought the boy." Tomu-chan spoke to the tv making me tilt my head to the side. "You mean Izuku Midoriya?" A deep voice came from the other side. I couldn't see there face since the screen said audio only. "Yes." He responded. There was some silence and I felt tense. What if they really were villains and planned to do something to me? I hear someone coming into the room and see a guy with black and purple mist all over his body. "Kurogiri send him to me please. "Wait! I still don't know who you are? What do you want with me?" I ask in fear.

"Aw are you a crybaby?" Toga teased making me scrunch my nose and scowl. "Sir are you sure you want to give a quirk to someone like him?" The guy who seemed to be called Kurogiri. Why is everyone being so mean? Is it always gonna be like this when I meet new people? 

"Well you all shut up. You hardly know him to fucking judge him." Another stranger came in. He looked scary. His face as all patched up. He had spiky hair but he looked really cool somehow. He smirked at me and I backed up a bit startled by the way he looked at me. 

"Don't listen to those annoying bastards." He told me and sat down on one of the chairs. He didn't look like the sociable type yet he seemed nicer than the other two I just met.

"Who are you calling annoying?" Toga asked pouting and throwing her hands in the air. "You. Who else you crazy bitch?" He replied with dread in his voice. I'm guessing they don't get along..

"Silence." The man from the tv demanded and everyone settled down. "Dabi. Please show some more respect to your comrades." Kurogiri said and Dabi just rolled his eyes.

"Now... Young Midoriya." The guy from behind the screen spoke again.

"I'm All For One. I can give you any quirk. My power allows to transfer quirks to others." He answered making my eyes widen. So there is a quirk that gives others quirks. "When you feel ready please let Kurogiri know. He has the power to warp others into another location nearby." With that All For One ended the call. I stood there silently as everyone stared at me. 

"Please.. I don't want to feel guilty! I wanna know what I can do in return for you giving me a quirk." I questioned as I looked at everyone in the room. Dabi chuckled and I became confused.

"Finally not some ungrateful brat." He mumbled looking down at the floor. "You caught on." Toga giggled. I knew it. I did owe them something.

"Join us." Tomu-chan spoke up making my eyes widen. "Join y-you? What do you mean?"

Play this song to get more vibes xD unless you are reading this in the middle of the night never mind..

"Join the League of Villains." Tomu-chan said with a creepy smile across his face. Toga and the others had the same smile. It crept me out. Crap! I knew they were no good! Why did I trust them? I ran to the door but Toga grabbed my shoulder. The door shut tight before I knew it. She had a blade in her other hand and held it to my neck. "You're not... leaving us are you?" She asked making me shutter in fear. "T-Toga?" I stutter trying to keep calm but it was hopeless. "Now now. No need to get violent." Tomu-chan said as he walked towards us. I was sweating like crazy and I couldn't control my nerves. Was he going to kill me? What should I do? I don't have a quirk so I can't fight back. Am I really gonna die like this? Am I gonna die for being so naive? I can't do anything right. I guess Kacchan was right about something. I really am just a helpless Deku. Tomu-chan reached out to touch my face making me wince but Toga still had a grip on me so I had to stay still. "Remember when you asked me what my quirk was Midoriya?" Tomu-chan's fingers got closer making me shake. "You see if I touch anyone I can instantly turn them into dust." My eyes widen as he placed pointing finger and thumb on my chin. He made me face him and my eyes widened even further.

"N-no please." I begged. I don't wanna die. Not like this. I wanna die as... How do I wanna die? I never really thought about it. "Why should I join you? B-beside you threatening my life?" I ask with all the strength I had. "If you do you could get anything you want." Tomu-chan replied instantly. His smile stretched even further making me gulp. My head has dizzy from all the tension I couldn't find the words to say. "Chose. I'm getting impatient." Toga whined as she dug her knife to my skin. It stung but she didn't put it completely in. I was bleeding now but luckily it wasn't a deep wound. "Why should I become a villain like you? I've always wanted to be a hero and you know that!" I shouted. "Hero?" He smiled as he asked me that. "What's a hero?" Dabi asked. "A hero is-"

"Someone like the symbol of peace?" Tomu-chan interrupted making my eyes widen. "All Might? I saw your room. You look up to him a lot. You wanna be like him?" He asked. No. I don't. 

"We told you the truth now tell us the truth Izuku." Dabi butted in making me feel even worse. I can't bring myself to say something so awful. But my mouth needs to spit it out already. "No..." I mumbled. "What?" Toga asked. "I don't wanna be like All Might!" I confessed. 

"I can't believe that the person I looked up to the most told me I couldn't become a hero because I didnt have a quirk!" I cried and Toga finally let me of me and I fell to the ground sobbing.

"Jeez he really is such a crybaby." Toga complained as Dabi just rolled his eyes at her again.

Dekiru | Villain Izuku x KatsukiWhere stories live. Discover now