(Chapter 15 Rayne's view)

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        (you start driving again) "Hey babe."  yo? "i need your help."  what about? "well getting held, i wanna be held." okay come up here. (she crawls up and sits beside me) (puts my arm around her)  So we only have 5 miles. and maybe a house in the process of driving to the center. but i want to minimalize the people we come in contact with. "i understand that but I'm worried about the radiation and stuff." I never thought about that. I'm just going to cut across the border and go into the nearest forest and we can make our own little place. "okay."

        12 minutes later)

         Hey Tess we're here. and from what it looks like its a hell hole for everything against us. "well what do we do?" What he had planned. drive up the border and hope for the best. "a little risky ain't it?" No. not hardly compared to going into that (smoke and bombs are laying on the ground with uglies all around them) would you rather go into that? "well. we wouldn't have to deal with as many animals."

        Ugh. fine. just hold on. "what?" hold on buckle in and don't say a word. "okay??" (she buckles in and you rev  the engine and put it into first) hold on. (you give it as much gas as possible and take off,you shift into second, wait a few seconds shift into third) (you pull the e-brake and drift around a bomb and miss an ugly while still drifting) (shifts into fourth and dodge in and out of the uglies and bombs until there are none in sight)

        HELL YEAH THAT WAS AWESOME!  WOOHOOO! "I'm scared don't do that again...." wait what?!?! (says in pure adrenaline rush excitement tone) hahahaha that was awesome don't you think?!?! "yeah you being able to do that is but you scared the shit out of me." I'm sorry. i just didn't want to go through slow and get trapped in cause there is so many. "i understand but that was kinda fun wasn't it?" yeah it was. (leans over and kisses her forehead then her lips) well time to go find a house! i mean the cant have dropped bombs on every square inch of Montana could they? "well if they had the supplies but they didn't." oh good! houses here we come.

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