Part 6

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At raizada house ..
All were getting ready in their room..
Kaanchi is wearing jeans and top..
Teju wearing kurti and leggin.
Arjun wearing blank colour shirt.
Arnav also wears cement colour shirt ..
They all were different from their offical dresses.

At malhotras house..
All sits in hall.
Dp is in room and ap is in kitchen.
Namish is continuesly watching at door.
All watches him and laughs sliently.
Rads is not understanding wats happening and signal to their brother.
Danny signals her to wait and watch.
Shaleen:-dont worry namish they will reach on time ok..
Namish:-haa bhai .. haa bhai wat for me when they will reach they will..
Danny:-haa u have to move very carefully.
Radzz:-whom you were talking about.
Namish:-noo kaanchii.. and realises wat he said and closes his eyes.
All shouts ohhhhh.
Shaleen just smiles…
Radzz:-becarefull bhai..
Radzz:-if u want to impress her u have to go near her and u can only go near her when….
Shaleen interss:-u impress first her brother and sister.
Three smiles and says all at a time u mean tej aaa tejaswiii..
Shaleen looks up and says i think u didnot hear i said brothers also.
Danny:-ohh any way as far as i knew first u impress arnav jii and tejaswii jii if u impress them automatically arjun accepts u.
Namish:-wat the hell yar u are making me frightened u to hell.
A door bell rings ..
All gets up at a time..
Ap:-radzz go and see they may came it seems.
Radzz:-ok maa and runs towards main door.
Dp comes down after lisening to door bell..
Radzz opens door and sees arjun and arjun also seez her for a minute..
Tej:-is this malhotras house.
Dp:-welcome beta..
Tej and arjun smiles seeing dp and goes inside.
Seeing them danny and shaleen also gets up but he stunned to see tej incomplete different attire from house.
Danny sees namish eargerness and says dont worry she will come and turns to door and sees kaanchi coming with arnav..
Arnav greets everyone..

Dp:-hello young lady how r u ..
Kaanchi :-greets all and smiles at namish as he is keep on smiling at her.
Danny:-control namu even tejaswii jii is here if she find out thats it..
Namish controls..
Meanwhile ap comes their…
Dp makes introduce to each other..
They all takes blessing from her and holds kaanchi and say u were so beautifull beta.
Kaanchi :-thank u aunty…..
Teju smiles and she gets a call snd moves towards infront of shaleen without noticing.
Tej:-hello kusu are u boarded.
Kusum:- haa dii u were coming right.
Tej:-i will baby u will see me mrg in airport kk and haa be carefull meet u tomorrow i am in someone place..
She cuts the call and sees namish danny and shaleen are standing infront of her.
Three :-hi….
They all sits ..

Arnav sees whole home and remembers something in blank and white.
Dp sees this and asks their all children to show them whole house..
Shaleen is walking with arnav and remaing are coming back.
Kaanchi:-i never thought that our families will become frds ..
Radzz:-yaa mee too when bhai said raizadas i felt it may u but i ignored it.
Kaanch:-any way our section jumbled right lets see we will be in one class or not.
Radzz:-if not also we will be frds naa.
Kaanchi:-haa ofcourse..
Namish is seeing kaanchi and unknowingly arjun seeing radzz being with tejj…
Shaleen:-this roomis our study room all takes turn but arjun hits with tej and namish with wall ..
Namish :-ahhh my head..
Shaleen :-are u ok.
Namish:-have to see nd walk naa.
Tej:-where were u lost arjun haa my head and rubs her head.
Arnav and kaanchi goes to her.
Tej:-today i came to knew that my brother head is so strong ahh.
Arjun:-sry dii and by the way not only u ur head is also strong even my head is paining..
Kaanchi:-touches his knee and says shall i apply medicine.
All smiles..

Arjun catches her ears ..
Tej and arnav :-arjun..
Arjun:-fineee from tomorrow i will get my support my kusu is coming.
Arnav:-shall we move..
They starts walking
Tej:-by the way arjun where u lost.
Arjun:-its just a accident..
Tej smiles they leave to study room…
Arnav sees a big family photo and goes towards it and gets shocked to see photo..
Shaleen:-its our family photo..
Shows a person and says my dad and my mom and shows towards a young girl and says our dad sister.
Arnav:-where is she.
Shaleen:-she died in our childhood I remember few memories with her that ti blurr oh..
Tej about to come and see by saying..
Tej:-oh old family photo.
Arnav immediately turns and says yes old photo lets go to another room this time lets see your room and moves by taking her.
Tej:-wat happen i want to see and about to turn but gets shocked by seeing a big photo infront of her and shows finger.
Arnav too see towards that direction and gets shocked to see a women photo.
Danny:-our dad sister our bua we lost her when we are so young.
Arnav gets tensed and tej sees him and turns to that side goes towards family photo and sees ..
They all feels strange by arnav and tej behaviour.
Arjun:-dii why r u seeing that photo like that do u knew her..
Tej:-how do i knew i am just thinking wat if we had our whole family photo but we dont have naa thats why got some wat emotional..
Arnav:-keeps hand on her shoulder. Are u ok right.
Tej:-ofcourse bhai i am fine lets go to hall naa and takes arnav by hand …
All looks at them weirdly.
Kaanchi comes to arjun:-dii never behaved like this that too when we were yet someone place wat happen to her..
Arjun:-may be she got remember mom and dad when we three came to knew world we only saw two people bhai and dii right.
But they saw mom and dad death..
Kaanchi:-will di will cry now asks arjun with teardy eye.
Arjun cups her face and says:-i dont knew but if they saw u with tears then they will definetly get tears u want that.
Arjun wipes her tears and says come lets go down and turns to shaleen and says
Arjun:-sry usually di and bhai wont get emotional dont knew wat happen.
Shaleen:-its ok no problem may be i hurted her anyway lets go down.
They all were leaving.
Shaleen turns and sees photo and thinks some thing…

Precap:-few moments at dinner
and everyone povs…

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