Part 43

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Its late night all were getting tensed as arjun and radhika didnot reach…
All were sitting in tension .
Ap having tears and sakshi consolling her..
Shaleen walks here and their by phone continuosly calling ..
Arnav is trying to call arjun on another side…
Kaanchi crying and kusum danny namish were consolling her..
Kanchi:- i want arjun bhaiya i want to see him.
I promise di i wont fight with him ask him to come back dii.
Kusum:- calm down kanchu teju dii went out in searching them right infact police department were also searching for them.
Danny:- i wish shaurya is their with us now..

In bus …
Radhika keeps on crying.
Arjun looks at her and feels bad he too cries..
radhika:- i am sorry arjun because of me u married me i am really sorry.
Arjun:- why u r saying sorry.
I didnt take care of you because of me only u were in this position i am sorry..and i dont knew how i will face dii and bhai now after all we married
Radhika:- i insisted u to marry me arjun.if u dont marry me god knews what must have happened to me….
Arjun:- dont say like that nothing will happen to u ..
Once we reach their i file complaint against them.
Radhika:- i am getting afraid to face my parents and brothers…
How they will react by seeing us..
Arjun:- i dont knew .infact i was also worried to go infront of them.
Mainly dii..she has alot of expectations from me i dont want my dii to bow down her head because of me . I can’t bare it.if it happen i will die rather seeing my dii getting insulted…
Radhika:- they must be trying to call us right now right..
Arjun:- they might be worried to..
Both faces were turned completely pale due to worriness.

Shaleen threws phone on sofa and shouts:- damm it i dont knew why we are unable to connect to their calls.its continously saying unreachable..i hope they were ok.
Arnav keeps hand on his shoulder and says .
arnav:- this time is not for getting angry shaleen calm and think a way so that we can connect to them..
Whole police department is in search of them and teju also searching and do u think she will come back without any news..
Shaleen:- she asked to come . I should have gone with her but i negleted by saying busy..
Kusum:- are u not trusting my bhai..remember he too missing .
He too had sisters he knew how to take care of others..
Arnav:- kusum he didnot mean that. Did u forget even teju said same thing arjun case that doesnt mean she is blaming radhika..
Shaleen:- i am sorry i dont knew what i am speaking….
Arjun and radhika gets down from bus and starts walking on road and waiting for a lift..
Suddenly one police jeep stops infront of them.
They enquires them and immediatedly calls to tejaswii..
Teju who was driving car and searching whole city pick up call and stops car suddenly and say.
Teju:- wat u got them where.
Police:- xxx place..better u come here later we can take them to your house..
Teju:- thank u so much i will be their in few minutes and takes u turn and starts driving car..
Police makes them sit and gives water to them.
They both had water and wating for teju.
After few minutes a car and a police van stops.
Teju and dcp both gets down.
Arjun sees teju and runs towards her hugs her immediatedly and started crying.
Seeing his stage she too cries but Soon she sees radhika standing with sindoor and mangalsutra..
She breaks hugs and sees at arjun hand which has sindoor and some wounds on his face and body.
Teju goes near radhika she too hugs her and cries ..
She consoles them and makes them sit..
Teju:- wat happen and radhika what is this sindoor and all.
Arjun says from car accident to panchayat ordering his all men to tie malgalsutra on radhika saving her character how they both married..

They both shed tears..
Teju gets up and goes to dcp and says ..
Teju:- i want that village panchayat his son and who ever tried to misbehave with them on my knees ..
Dcp:- we lisened a lot of crimes about him if u ready to file case against him and if they are ready to come court and help us in giving him punishment…i will threw them on your and on our law knees ..
People like him should be inside jail not in outside world.
Teju:- we are ready and sees at them.
They both too nodes their head in positive manner..
Dcp goes from their..
Teju goes and holds radhika and arjun ..
Teju:- lets goo home all were waiting for you and they were tensed also.
Radhika:- bhai ma and papa.
Teju:- dont worry i will explain them and u too didnot do any mistake ..and first of all let me inform them that you both were with me.
Arnav gets a call.
Arnav:-teju is calling.
All gets up from their places..
Arnav:- hello ..what u find them.
thank god teju ..ok ok..i will do arrangements..
Arnav:- teju finded arjun and radhika she is briging them to hone and kusum kanchi doo arrangements for food for them goo..
They both goes to kitchen and makes food heat arranges on table ..
All were waiting eagerly by seeing towards door….
A unknown silence filled all over house like a stroam going to come…
Teju drops them home asks them to moves she will park car and comes immediatedly.
Radhika:- plss dii u also come with us naa i am afraid to go inside.
Teju:- when u both were not at fault then why r u getting afraid ..
Arjun:- plss dii.
Teju:- ok i am coming and calls watch man and says to park her car..

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