Part 13

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Ap and kusum were walking in garden and sees tej sitting and doing meditation..
Ap:-when she woke up kusum..
Kusum:-dont knew aunty actually
When dii sleeps when she get up no one dont knew even bhai…
Danny and namish were sleeping
Dp and arnav were also walking and talking…
Shaleen goes to danny and namish and wakes up them.
Shaleen:-dannu and namu get up Maa its not our home get up..
Danny gets up and fresh up and comes and sees shaleen caring namish hair…and asking him to get up.
Danny :-bhai if u say like this when he will get up now see me and learn..
Shaleen:-wat r u going to do..
Danny:-wait and watch..and goes near to his ears and shouts get uppp..
Namish getsup with jerk and close s his ears and says bhai…and starts running back of him whole room.
Shaleen tries to stop them…
Danny opens door and stops suddenly and namish hits from back both sees ..kaanchi shouting and running behind arjun and she is totally wet …
Kaanchi:-bhai i hate u i just hate u..and i will tell to diii seee..
Arjun:-khumbakaran and laughs.
Kaanchi hits her foot on floor and Says see what i will do and shouts louder diiiiiiiii……
All shuts their eyes and ears……

Tej jerks and opens eyes all runs inside house..
Arnav goes and closes kaanchi mouth with his hand…
Tej:-wat happen why r u wet …
Radzz comes out and stands with shaleen.
Radzz:-gud mrg bhai..
Shaleen:-gud mrg chottu.
Tej:-why r u silent kaanchi will any one answer to me..
Kaanchi:-arjun bhai threwed me in swiming phool..
Tej and arnav:- what…
Kusum:-morning started…
Tej:-wat the hell is this arjun why u threwed her see she is shivering kusum bring two towels go fast.
Kusum:-yes dii.
Arnav goes and catches his ear..
Arnav:-when will u grew arjun why u do that.
Arjun:-i tried to wake up her she didnot respond so..
Kusum:-di towels..
Tej covers her and says go and change….and turns to arjun and sees him angrily..
Arnav leaves and says all the best.
Arjun:-sorry …
Tej:-i didnot expect this from u. fine tease you both were brother and sisters ok wat if she got hurt i said many time beforeplanning to tease anyone make sure it should Safe but why u will lisen to me actually mistake is mine that i am loving u more i should be strict to u any way go and get ready..and she too leaves
Arjun:-sry dii.
Kusum:-i am very happy by seeing dii angry on u..claps and says today i will make breakfast to all as a treat…
Arjun:-ur treat going to be invain because my dii cant be angry on me for long ok.
Arnav:-ooo yaa lets see..
Arjun:-i am getting ready dii..and runs from their..
All laughs.
Dp:-ok we will leave now.
Arnav:-no uncle without having breakfast no way at all
Kusum:-yaa uncle and this is like a treat as i said dii was angry on bhai and goes towards kitchen…
Airport is shown…

A two middle aged couple are coming ..
Finally we were in india ig sir rajnath jii…
Raj:-so finally are u happy ..
Sakshi:-so much…
Raj:-where is our diamonds…
Sakshi:-may be at luggage counter and turns and sees..
A young boy is standing and flirting with a girl..
Boy:-hi beautifull wats ur name ahhh wait let me guess chandini or may be tara right.
Girl:-why like that.
Boy:-because you were glowing like chand or like tara..
Girl smiles and says my name is tara..
Boy:-oh u see i am always right by the way my name is shaurya(+ve character)…
And a voice came from back side.
And i am payal goenka wife of shaurya…
Girl gets shocked and shaurya alerts..another voice comes from back and my name is khushi goenka sister this so called flirty type boy..
And two voice and we r sakshi and rajnath goenka unfortunately his parents..
Shaurya smiles and says hello guys…. ok then bye tara behana.
Tara:-wat sister when u made u ypur sister
Shaurya:-when my wife came…
Girl smiles and says really ur sister is right u were so much flirty By the way wat u do..
Shaurya:-i am ips officer…
Girl:-wat i never thought u can be a police officer any way nice meeting u all and leaves from their….
Shaurya:-no one can flirt with me like my ash darling…
Raj:-if its over we will meet her ok.
Shaurya and all gets in car ..
Shaurya takes out phone..
Khushi:-oh dont tell mee u were calling tejaswii..
Shaurya:-ofcourse do u have any problem ..
Khusi:-babhi are u not jeouse of tej and bhai bonding…
Payal:-i am happy khushi that he got a frd i mean best bestest frd like tejaswii…sometime i used to get a doudt that why these both are not married.i mean seriously shaurya u both will looks made for each other if u both were in relation
Shaurya smiles and says she is Everything to me our relation is different which cant be compared to any relation or cant give any name also and i dont want to ruine it by giving husband and wife name .she is the most beautifull and barest wonderfull girl i never and ever met i will not also found because she is one piece..
All smiles……

Kaanchi sneezing continuesly..
Arjun sits infront of tej by keeping head down…tej watching him
Arnav is trying to hide smile.
Arjun:-sry kaanchu..
Kaanchi:-its ok bhai and keeps kerchief and again sneezes..
Kusum gets a doudt and goes near to tej and says something in her ears.
Tej:-is that so kusum then give it right now go fast.
Kusun goes and brings a big needle injection and shows to kaanchi..
Kaanchi:-stammers and says who will give injection for cold did u ever hear aunty.
Ap sees at tej signalling her..
Ap:-haa beta sometime we should take..
Arjun:-haa kaanchu take it will reduce u cold and sneezes…
Kaanchi:-no need.

Kaanchi:-because and shows her kerchief which has a small feather in it.
Tej nodes her head in disbelief…
Arnav:-number one dramabazzz.
Shaleen:-you were acting …
Arjun:-unbeliavable polar bear …
Kaanchi:-sry but first time i saw dii scolding u and i feel like my soul was so happy..
Kusum:-wat dii still u should not threw her like that..
Ap:-haa beta wat if she got hurt.
Tej about to speak her phone rings she picks and see shaurya calling.
Tej:-hi boss do u reached india.
Shaurya:-yes my dear wont u come and meet me.
Tej:-actually my day was so busy from morning to night and tomorrow morning jogging with u pakka.
Shaurya:-i will come to your office then.
Tej:-no i wont be in office today as i am visiting few sites and going to malhotras company also.
Arnav drags phone and says…
Aranav:-may be she wont be but i and arjun will be at office u can come and meet us we r not untounchables…
Shaurya:-oh plzz i will hug first my darling ash baby only.
Arnav:-oh plzz if want me to hug u also we wont.

Tej drags phone and says ok we will meet at night……
Shaurya:-done my baby and cuts the call..
Namish and danny looks at each other and then shaleen who is so Silent by hearing their phone conversion and signals to radzz..
Radzz:-wat bhai.
Danny:-ask tej who is he and how he related to her.
Radzz:-wat r u mad why i should asks her..
Namish:-for bhai sake.
Radzz:-which bhai from u three..
Namish:-your favorite badai bhai.
Radzz:-why will he wants to…
Oh my god u mean to say bhai had feeling for her.
Danny:-we think so and plzz ask yar…
Radzz:-ok let me think and you also think….

When they were thinking ap open up.
Ap:-can i knew who is he i mean u were calling him as he is close to u.
Radzz danny and namish open their mouths and looks at each other…
Tej:-nothing personel aunty yesterday i said na our family frds IG rajnath goenka they reached india for ever and his son shaurya is my best frd and he is a ips officer..
Arjun:-and he has a beautifull wife and a cute sister..we are seeing them after many years…
Ap:-i am sry to ask u personel question
Arnav:-its not all personel aunty….

Precap:-tej at shaleen cabin and shaurya meeting her

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