Part 31

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Shaleen:- hmm thats nice idea..
Brother and sister will opposite.
They take slips.
Khusi. Shaurya
Kusum. Danny
Namish. Arnav
Arjun. Kaanchi
Shaleen. Radhika
One more to go yar..
Teju :- i want to play and kusum wat if i takecare shall i join.
Kusum :- u have to be carefull dii ofcourse stiches were removed.
Teju:- i will take care so i am in shower team…
Shaurya teams gets happy.
Khusi:- oh my god bhai and teju were in one team we have to be carefull.
Teju joins in shaurya team.
Teju and shaurya hi fives to each other shaleen becomes happy.
Teju smiles at him.
Refery are all elders…
Khusi team wins toss…
Namish comes to opposite team..
He is playing good shaurya goes to kaanchi side and says just see into his eyes and blink your eyes twice.
Kanchi:- why and wat will happen if i do it.

Shaurya:- let him come close to us and do wat i say and u will knew your self wat will happen.
Namish comes close and sees kaanchi and she smiles sweetly and blinks her eyes to him.
Namish automatically stays stunned and smiles by looking at her..
Shaurya and danny looks at each other smiles and goes back him and out him.
Sakshi laughs and gives 1 point to shaurya team.
Namish burshes his hair and goes out of court by keeping head while his team members are watching him angrily…
Shaurya:- did u understand why he got out.
Kaanchi:- not exactly but some wat….
Now danny goes to play into their court…
He touches line and and touches kusum hand and about to leave but shaleen holds his hand ..
He tries to escape his legs are moving but he is not moving.
Finally he accepts defeat …
Sakshi gives one point to khusi team….
Danny:- wat r u eating bhai …
Shaleen smiles and danny leaves out of court…
Shaleen sees teju and lifts his eyebrows.
Teju shakes head in gesturing wow..
Sakhi:- both team are equal…
Khusi comes..
Teju signals all .
Khusi comes to court and roaming here and their and finaly touches teju when shaurya about to go Teju stops him by saying ahh shower its paining he immediately stops and comes back to her..
When khusi about to reach middle line arnav catches her hand and drags her with full force that she looses her balances and hits arnav both falls from out of court
and lost in each other.

All gives hifives to eachother .
Sakshi smiles and all waits for them untill they come back to her senses..its all most 5 minutes..
Shaurya goes near nd sits next to them controls their smile and taps on shoulder of arnav and khusi ..
They both composes them self and khusi shouts on shaurya to make scene normal.
Khusi:- wat type of captain you are cant u say rules properly and coming out of line means out.
Because of u i was also out now chi and goes from their…
Arnav and shaurya opens their mouth and sees each shock…
Arnav also goes from their..
Both teams got one one point.
Namish and another comes back as they out first.
Teju goes to another team ..
She goes to arjun and says wont u give me hi five as best wishes arjun.
Arjun innocently:- ofcourse dii and he raises his hand while all nodes their head in no..
She touches him about to go but Namish immediately lifts her and says slowly sorry babhi u were out.
Teju opens mouth and turns to shaleen and then namish.
Namish winks at her and sakshi declares her as out.
Shaleen laughs.
Teju while going says to shaurya.
If u really think me as your frd then out him.
Shaurya:- personel rivalry…haa.
Teju:- haa out him other wise katiff
Finally shaurya out shaleen….
Arnav comes back.
Now its turn for kanchi to go.
She stands and see namish smirking at her she turns towards shaurya ..
Shaurya:- same formula..
Kaanchi goes in and hits arjun.
Arjun:- ahhh polar bear when she about to turn namish comes forward and she immediately winks at him and he stands numb their before she could reach arjun lifts her …
Kanchi:- thats not fare .
Arjun in kanchi ears..

Wat ever u were doing to namish naa if thats fair then this also fair .
Arjun comes to their court when he about to leaves radhika comes infront of him and suddenly arnav slips and falls on him and he falls on radhika..
While radhika and arjun share a small eyelock and sakshi declarez arjun as out…
Sakshi:- lets stop guys ots almost 2 hours no one is leading and i sm bored so u both teams win..
All accepts to sakshi as they also tired now.
And they were succeded in bring some feeling towards arnav and khusi and unknowingly each couple starts to feel to each other…..
All falls on couch and few on floor by resting head on couch..
Ap:- says dinner is ready come Every one.
Shaurya:- cant dinner come to us fir today.
Ap and sakshi smiles and leaves from their.
They first serves for raj dp and payal.
They both goes towards them by plate full of meals..
And starts feeding them.
Sakshi goes to feed malhotras while ap feeding tejaswii batch.
They feel weird and happy..
Shaleen sees teju teardy eye and her struggle to hide her tears …
Kaanchi:- always dii used to feed us like mom but today we got another mom too.
All smiles while they eating all were having tears because its first time for them getting a feel like a mom is feeding ..
Its easily to see their red faces with emotions and eyes filled with tears ..
Danny :- they all were good in hiding feeling isnt.
Shaurya:- ofcourse they are awesome in it.
All completes their dinner now all started feeding ap and sakshi…

Precap:-few moments in between couples.
Arnav and khusi accepting for marriage..

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