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Nate King always pictured how he would meet his mate.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Nate isn’t some hopeless romantic. He doesn’t spend his days watching romantic comedies or writing sappy poetry. No, Nate was more of a jock, he would rather kick a football around or run track than waste his time reading about the hero – don’t forget the fact that he is tall, dark and handsome - saving the girl – beautiful and perfect, of course - with that one perfect kiss on the last page. And that kiss, oh that kiss, it would be perfect and it would be full of promise and truth and love, and all faith in the world would be restored.

No, that wasn’t Nate at all.

There was just something about meeting his mate that turned him into a sloppy pile of hope and love on the floor. He wondered about every detail, he thought about how they would meet.

Would they see each other across a crowded room and just know? Would their hands touch accidently, and would he feel that tangible spark of chemistry that told him that this was the one?

He always believed that finding love would be perfect, would be a moment to treasure, to remember forever. That he would run into this perfect girl and spill her books all over the hallway floor, only to look into her eyes and see straight into her soul, to feel that instant connection of love and completeness.

Each full moon his friends would find their mates, and each full moon would come and go and once again Nate was left alone, wondering when his moment would come.

He had grown up hearing stories of those perfect meetings, in fact, his own parents had found out that they were mates on a rainy day in October, and they had literally shared their first kiss under the pouring rain in the middle of the street. He had high expectations to live up to with a story like that, yet, he always believed that his moment would come and it would be even better than the stories he was told as a child.

He thought that meeting his mate would be perfect, but let me just tell you a little secret, it wasn’t.

Don’t cry in the corner just yet though, because even though their meeting wasn’t epic, their love was.

And isn’t that what it’s all about.  

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