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Nate wasn’t in the waiting room when Brody left the office, and he wasn’t in the hallway either. The hallway was empty, most of the students must have been in class anyway. Brody wasn’t sure what to do now. He needed to figure out why those two had started that fight, he knew that, but he also knew that he had no idea where to start.

He could push one of them up against a wall and make one of them tell him, but there were problems with that plan, 1, he had no idea what they looked like in their human forms, and 2, he wasn’t a big guy, and the odds of being beaten up himself were pretty colossal. He already had a broken arm, and he wasn’t exactly looking forward to the prospect of the other one breaking too. Or his nose. Or eye socket. Or leg. Yeah, that plan was screwed.

Brody left the building and stepped into the cool breeze of outside. The gardens were mostly vacant, and Brody felt a twinge of disappointment. He wished that Nate would have waited for him, it wasn’t like he could stay mad at his mate for too long. He just wanted to hug Nate and tell him about the horror story his meeting had become. Nate was his safe place, big, warm arms that would hold him as he breathed in Nate’s signature scent and all would be right in the world for just a tinge of a second.

However Nate’s arms, and well, the rest of him, were somewhere unknown, and the feeling of loneliness pooled at the pit of his stomach. That wasn’t the only uncomfortable thing. Brody’s arm was hurting, and so he walked over to the water fountain and took a gulp of water, swallowing down a couple of those pain pills from before. He turned away from the water fountain and realised that someone was standing behind him. He looked up to see that it was Kayden.

‘Hey, can I talk to you?’ Kayden asked.

‘Yeah sure,’ Brody responded. He wasn’t sure what Kayden would want to talk to him about, but he didn’t see the harm in allowing the boy to speak since Kayden had never really don’t anything bad by him.

‘Did you see what happened with the fight today?’ Kayden asked, a question that confused Brody slightly, why was Kayden asking this?

‘Yeah, I saw Bruce and Mitchel starting it.’ Brody confirmed, figuring that jumping to the chase was the best approach.

Kayden let out a breath, ‘Finally. Everyone that I have talked to says that they didn’t see who started it. Apparently Bruce and Mitchel told Mr. Wood that I started it! I saw them moving out of their space but I thought that they were just moving around as they fought, but then I basically blinked and everyone was growling at each other and fighting.’

‘Did they tell him it was you?’ Brody asked, confused as to why they would have done that. Why would they have blamed Kayden? Were they trying to get Kayden in trouble?

Kayden nodded, ‘Yeah. I had to talk Mr. Woods down from calling my family. He eventually gave up on calling them, saying something about it looking bad on the camps reputation anyway.’

‘Do you have a bad history with them or something?’ Brody asked.

Kayden looked frustrated, ‘I literally have never spoken to them! That’s why this is so confusing to me. What would they gain from getting me in trouble?’

Brody could almost sense some sort of underlying conspiracy going on that he didn’t know about. ‘I am going to figure this out. They shouldn’t just get away with this.’

‘Well, now that I have you to back me up, we can go tell Mr. Woods and he can call their parents,’ Kayden suggested, but Brody knew that wouldn’t work.

‘I already tried, but he doesn’t care. We are going to have to sort this out on our own.’

Kayden nodded, ‘Alright, well I’ll talk to some of their friends and see if there is any reason that they don’t like me,’ he suggested, visually quite disappointed in the turn of events. Brody assumed that Kayden would much rather just kick those two out of the camp right away.

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