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Nate didn’t regret taking the fall. Of course not. Nate knew that his father would be angry, like usual, but he didn’t regret it.

He saw that Brody was hurting. Behind those tattoo’s, behind that mask of independence and strength was someone who was thrust into a life he hadn’t been expecting and Nate could relate. He didn’t know what he wanted from his life, but he knew that boring council meetings weren’t what he dreamt about. No, he dreamt of meeting his mate, of sweet kisses in the rain and watching movies together. He dreamt about meeting his other half and just fitting together, so, so perfectly that he would never feel alone again.

He knew that he would have to put up with his father and the meetings and the responsibility, but he wanted more. He wanted people. He wanted his person.

He was in the garden, sitting on one of those park benches with his legs crossed under him. The wind was light, the cool breeze moving through his hair and making the leaves on the tall tree’s sway back and forth rhythmically.

He was just sitting when he saw a figure moving towards him. He looked over and saw that it was Brody, a hardcover book pressed under his tattooed arm as he walked.

Nate wondered what he was doing, since Brody had been the one to storm off before. There was no anger or ill feelings written on Brody’s face as he approached, yet his expression was mostly unreadable.

‘Hey,’ Nate called out as Brody approached, testing the waters.

Brody sat down next to him, ‘You did a nice thing for me, and I appreciate it.’

Nate smiled triumphantly, knowing that what Brody had said was as close to an apology as he was going to get. ‘Thank-you.’

‘I hope you don’t get in too much trouble with your dad, I don’t want you to suffer because I let those guys get to me,’ Brody told him, his eyes turned down.

Nate shook his head, ‘Don’t be sorry. I can deal with my father just fine.’

‘Are you sure?’ Brody asked.

‘Yeah. Uh, about what I said yesterday..’ Nate started.

‘It’s fine,’ Brody shook his head, ‘It’s alright.’

Nate turned on the bench so that he was facing Brody, ‘No, it’s not alright. What I said was cruel and mean.’

Brody bit at his lip, ‘You didn’t mean it.’

‘No, I didn’t. You deserve to be the leader of your pack just as much as I do, and just because you are a second born Alpha doesn’t mean anything at all. You are here, prepared to work hard and improve your pack and that it more than most of these Alpha’s are doing.’

‘Thank-you,’ Brody muttered, almost as if he was embarrassed to be accepting the blatant compliment. ‘Can we call it even?’

‘Yes. Yes we can.’ Nate smiled, ‘Want to be friends?’

Brody looked surprised, ‘Yeah, I, uh, I would like that.’

Silence filled the space between them, but for the first time it wasn’t awkward, the silence didn’t hold harsh words that were held back, it was just silent. Silence between two friends.

Nate smiled at the word. Friends.

Only an hour ago he would have never thought this to be possible, a friendship between the most unlikely of friends.

They walked together down to the pond that they had been to the previous day, sitting down on the green grass and talking. That hard cover book stayed protected under Brody’s arm the entire time that they walked.

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