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‘I’m nervous about this morning,’ Brody muttered as he slipped a shirt over his head. Nate noticed the way that the dark fabric made his eyes look even greener in contrast.

Nate was sitting on the bed and he grabbed playfully at Brody’s hands and pulled him on top of him. Brody laughed, looking down at Nate. Nate smiled up at him, feeling warm and comfortable with this much of Brody pressed against him. His arms wrapped around Brody’s back, keeping him close.

‘You will be fine,’ Nate told him sincerely. ‘I will make sure I’m your partner and I will teach you everything you need to know.’

Brody nodded and leant down, pressing his lips to Nate’s.

The two of them had fallen asleep on Nate’s bed the night before, emotionally drained and comfortable just being in each other’s arms. Nate had a shower in his bathroom and he had been waiting on Brody’s bed for the last ten minutes until his mate had emerged from the shower in nothing but boxers.

He was fully dressed now, but Brody’s wet hair was the only evidence of his shower. Warm droplets fell from his hair onto Nate’s forehead, sliding down off his face.

Nate kissed back with fever, moving one of his hands so that it was placed on the back of Brody’s neck. They kissed passionately until Brody pulled back, ‘What if I’m terrible at it?’

Nate rolled his eyes with a small laugh, ‘Brody, stop stressing so much. It’s just wolf combat.’

‘I’ve never fought in my wolf form in my entire life.’ Brody told him, rolling off of his mate and onto the bed with a bounce.

Nate linked his hand with Brody’s, ‘You picked up the combat training faster than anyone thought you would, and I have no doubt it will be the same with this.’   

‘Really?’ Brody asked with those big emerald eyes.

‘Really.’ Nate told him just as his stomach rumbled. ‘I am starving, can we have breakfast now?’

‘Of course.’

‘Wait,’ Nate said. ‘Make sure that you take out your eyebrow piercing, otherwise it will probably get lost in the woods.’

Brody nodded, quickly taking it out and placing it on the bedside table.

They got up off the bed and instantly linked hands, walking over to the door. It was only when they had just opened the door did they realise that they couldn’t walk like that all the way over to the cafeteria. Nate closed the door again and Brody looked at him with a curious expression.

‘You aren’t hungry anymore?’ Brody asked sceptically.

Nate savoured the feeling for just a moment longer before letting go of Brody’s hand. ‘We almost exposed us to the world.’ He told Brody, referencing their linked hands.

‘Oh, I didn’t even realise,’ Brody told him.

‘I wish that we could hold hands in public,’ Nate muttered, not hiding the longing in his tone.

Brody gave his mate a sad smile, ‘Once everything sorted with your father then we can, but until then it’s better if no one knows. This is unprecedented, who knows what would happen if everyone found out.’

‘They may be more understanding than you think.’ Nate told him, always seeing the best in people.

Brody shook his head slightly and Nate’s hopes dropped, ‘I won’t risk it.’  

Nate responded by kissing Brody’s lips chastely. He knew that it wasn’t personal, and he respected Brody’s choice.

Brody smiled up at him when Nate pulled away. Nate turned and opened the door again, this time the left the room with space between them, and Nate felt like the distance between them was miles even though it was only a few feet.

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