#14. Emptiness

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What do I do,
When I'm still in love with you?
You walked away,
'Cause you didn't want to stay.
You broke my heart, you tore me apart.
Every day I wait for you,
Telling myself our love was true.
But when you don't show, more tears start to flow.
That's when I know
I have to let go.

Shelby T. Parsons

A/N: Slightly +18

3rd Person's POV

It's been 8 days since that night. Beam counts it carefully every single day. He almost insane everytime he sees his phone. He wants a name pop up on the screen. He wants a notification on Facebook from someone. Anything. Literally, like anything. But he receives nothing.

There's no activity in Forth's Facebook or Instagram or Twitter or whatsoever. Forth doesn't play social media much, but at least he has something to post twice a week.

Beam remembers, even when Phana didn't allow them to contact, Forth still retweeted something on his Twitter. But these whole 8 days, there's nothing.

Beam loves food. His eyes are shining everytime he sees food, he still can eat properly even his heart is looking for someone. But Kit can see the change on Beam's attitude.

"I don't see your brightness anymore. It's your favorite food." Kit knew Beam's gloomy, so after the class, he treated Beam to his favorite restaurant.

"Huh? What?" Beam is focused on his food. He almost cant hear Kit.

"I said, I don't see your brightness anymore."

"How come? This is good."

Kit can see he eats greedily but Kit cant see the brightness in his eyes. He's not sure whether Beam is pretending to be fine or it's just Beam is dim itself.

"Ai'Beam.. Are you in the mood to talk about Forth?"

Beam gulped.

"No. I guess not. It'll ruin the food." Then he eats again.

Kit can only stare at his best buddy. This is the first time he sees Beam this gloomy. And surprisingly, Beam is gloomy over a man. A man. Beam is a straight manly guy, as far as he knows, but Beam is changed this drastically.

"Ai'Beam.. I think you like him. No, you love him." He tried to re-open the convo.

"Kitty.. Please stop. It's rarely to see you treat me something expensive. Let me enjoy this, will ya?"

Kit shuts his mouth. No matter he wants to talk about this, he's still considering his buddy's feeling.

At last, he chose to talk about funny light things, as long as can make Beam laughs.

After the meal, Kit and Beam went straight home because Beam knows Ming is waiting for Kit. Beam knows Kit is sharing his time for friendship and romance, so he let him be even Kit actually doesn't mind to spend tonight without Ming. Ming understood the situation too, anyway.

"Thanks, pal. You are the best bastard, just for tonight." He laughs at Kit as he punched Kit's shoulder.

"Just because I treated you? Damn golddigger."

"Say hello to your Moon." Said Beam briefly.

"Yeah.. Don't sleep too late or I'm gonna leave you tomorrow."

"Shiaaa.. Jerk."

The door closed. Beam is comeback to his reality.

He turned the music loud, the TV too just to make him feel less lonely. It's just 10 pm, he usually sleeps at 12 when he has no assignments. It's too early, so he decided to play games.

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