The party

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Aphrodite's POV

If my plan is to go off with out a hitch, I have to get each victim to take the love spell. But I don't think that will be hard. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve. I am the love goddess after all. Now on to camp-half blood where we can get this plan in motion.

-8 hours later-

The deed is done. It was a little tricky to get some of them to take it, but all eight of them have taken it and will be very surprised when the wake up in the morning. Man, do I have too much time on my hands. I guess when you've lived forever, you don't really have much to do.

Annabeth's POV

Tonight's the party at camp-half blood to celebrate the end if the war. I can't help but shake this feeling that something is going to happen tonight. It's probably just nerves from being alert at all times the last couple of years. I just hope I finally get to relax and spend time with my seaweed brain.

I walked out of my cabin and down to lake where the party was at. By the time I got down there they party was in full swing. Music blasting. People dancing and having a blast. Then I saw him. Sitting at the edge of the lake, knees bent and staring off into the sealing. It's times like this that I just wish I could just freeze eveything and just enjoy it.

I walked over to the punch table and asked the serving lady for two punches.

"Here you go sweetie, Have fun tonight," She said winking. I thanked her. She was odd. Humm, it's probably just nothing. I walked over to Percy and handed him his punch.

"Thanks," He said taking the drink and looking back out at the lake.

"What are you thinking about," I asked taking a sip of my drink.

"Lots if things. The war. My dad. My mom. Paul. The future. Us," He said. He's so sweet, and hot. Oh my gods I just want to take him home and rip- wait what am I thinking? We're not even married. But he's so hot and ugh.

"What are you thinking about wise girl," He asked me looking away from the water and at me.

"About how hot my boyfriend is," I said smirking.

"Its getting a little late, you want to go back to my cabin and talk," Percy asked. I nodded and we went back to his cabin. We started talking and one thing led to another and we well you know.

Piper's POV

I walked over to Jason and handed him his drink. I wasn't thirsty so I didn't get one, although the lady handing out the drinks was pretty persistent in trying to get me to get one. Which I thought was odd.

I heard like a ding sound far off. I shook it off and thought it was just a phone or something.

We sat and chatted and danced for a few hours. It's nice to finally just get to have fun.

"Hey it's getting pretty late, You wanna go back up to my cabin," Jason asked. I nodded and we went back.

What started as just kiss turned into making out, then one thing led to another and well you know where this ends.

Hazel's POV

I'm not going to lie. Me and frank may or may not have had some "drinks" from the weird lady at the snack table.

When we were dancing, frank got all touchy-feely and I kinda liked it.

And then we may or may not have gone back to the Hades cabin and started making out.

And then that may or may not have turned into something way more heated.

And we may or may not have destroyed half the cabin ;)

Haley's pov

I'm not going to sugar coat anything. Me and Leo were partying it up and we went back to bunker 9 after having a few too many drinks and we had sex.

I'm not complaining, but don't tell Percy, cause he will kill leo and we don't need that happening.

Anyways, he can't say anything, percy and Annabeth did it. So dir Jason and Piper and Hazel and Frank. What a sick party!


1st chapter :) will update when I have 5 reads and 2 comment :)

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