My Twisted Tale of a Life

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" Are you okay?" asked the tall stranger who approached me.

I had been sitting on the bench for an hour, waiting for Raydor to show up. I knew he wouldn't. This was his last straw, I was tired of the games he played.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thank you for asking, sir." I replied kindly.

"I know it probably isn't my business, but just so you know, the piece of crap that stood you up, doesn't deserve you anyways." He said to me flashing a smile that was a perfect shade of white. I didn't know how to reply, so I smiled while searching for words to say.

"Thanks. That was his final chance anyways. I have to go now." I said while standing up from the bench, getting ready to head back to my house.

"I know I don't really know you, and you don't know me either, but maybe sometime we could grab a bite to eat, or get a coffee together, on me of course. I couldn't help but notice you're really beautiful. I know you just stopped seeing this boy, or that it was his last chance or whatever, but- I'm sorry, I'm babbling. I do that when I get nervous. Ummmm, oh yeah! Here's my number, and my name, and when you want, give me a call and we can do something." I grabbed the ripped piece of paper from his hand, gave him a quick smile, and headed to the train station.

Once I got inside my house, I decided to call Raydor to see where he was today, and to let him know that I was tired of all of his games. I dialed his number instead of speed dialing him, and of course I got sent to his voice mail.

Hey, this is Raydor. Obviously I'm not home right now, or I'm ignoring you. So, uh, leave a message at the tone, or don't, and I might call you back, I don't know.

God, he was an idiot.

" Hey, uh, Raydor. It's Taylor. I was just calling to see where the hell you were at today, and why you never showed up at the park like you said. You do that a lot, you know. You say one thing, and do another. Well, I'm tired of it. I'm sick and tired of it all. Of all of your games that you play. We're done Raydor. Bye."

I hung the phone up, and set it down on the table in the hallway. Emptying out my pockets, I remembered the mysterious strangers number from the park. I set it next to my phone, along with my wallet, sunglasses, and keys that were somehow still in my hand. I hung my jacket up, and tried to hang my beanie up to only set it on the table, as well, after it kept falling off of the rack. I headed to the kitchen to make me some hot chocolate. That's always been one of my many quirks; I drink hot chocolate no matter what season it is. Now that it was getting closer to winter- winter being three weeks away- it was getting less weird of me to drink hot chocolate since more and more people were beginning to once again. I went into the living room, and plopped down on the couch. I turned the tv on, and pulled my laptop into its correct location; my lap. As I waited for it to turn on, I searched through the tv guide in hopes of a good movie. I found that Enchanted- yes, the Disney movie- was on, and I decided to watch it since I hadn't seen it on in a while. My laptop's screen glowed, and I typed in my usual websites. Off to check my Twitter, Tumblr, and Facebook, and to listen to my favorites singing on Youtube. I heard a knock on the door, and quickly sprung up to answer it. I looked through the peephole to see my two best friends, Willow and Kim, who were both holding enough comfort food to feed a small country. I let them in, and they rushed to the kitchen to set everything down.

"What's all the food for you guys?"

"We know what happened with Raydor. We thought you might need a little comfort." said Willow.

"Yeah, plus we needed a girls night anyways so why not bring a bunch of food too. Oh, I have more in the car too. I'll be back in in a minute." said Kim while running back outside.

"How'd you guys know what happened with me and Raydor?" I asked Willow confused.

"He posted on Facebook........" she told me, trying to avoid eye contact.

"He did whAT"

"He posted on Facebook that he 'didn't care, he had other girls anyway'." Willow told me, giving me a comforting look. "I'm sorry girl."

"It's, well. It's okay." I said unconvincingly. Not paying attention, and walking teary eyed, I stepped the wrong way, injuring my ankle further than it already was. I fell to the floor, and quickly I was in tears. Willow ran over to me and pulled me up, and half-way carried me to the couch.

"Oh, Taylor, are you okay?!"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be fine. Go get the ice pack from the freezer real quick, Will." I told her.

Kim opened the door, carrying a big box in with her. She saw me on the couch crying, sat the box down and rushed over to me.

"What happened?!" Kim asked me, worried.

"I stepped wrong, that's all. My ankle twisted, again. Which means I probably injured it even more. And I have so much I have to do tomorrow- soccer game, audition for Wicked, and a job interview at Buckies Burger Palace."

"Tay, you can't do that tomorrow. You know that as well as I do." Kim told me.

"You need the surgery, T. I know you don't want it, but you need it." Willow interrupted before wrapping the bags of ice around my ankle.

"I'm not getting it, okay? At least not now. I can't, I have too much. Plus, if I get it I'll definitely be passed up for the role as Galinda, and that role means too much to me to lose it." I told them, and I received their disagreeing looks.

"You took the chance of losing a role for your nose job..." Willow said quietly.

"I know. But, that wasn't for Galinda. It was for Dolly. Granted, I want that role too, but that's different." I replied.

They looked at each other in disappointment of me for not doing what was best for my health. I've needed to get the surgery to fix my ankle bone for almost 8 years, and I've been pushing it off. I'm scared of having it. I'm scared of what all might happen. I know that things could've gone wrong with my nose job too, but getting my ankle fixed terrifies me. What if they mess up and I can't play soccer anymore? Or I can't play volleyball? Or, even worse, I won't be allowed to perform because the dancing will be too hard on my ankle? I can't jeopardize that, and I know that by not getting it fixed I'm putting it all in jeopardy too, but once I have my ankle fixed I won't be able to undo that. If I don't and something happens, I can just get the surgery. I quickly tried to change the subject.

"So, what's all in that box of yours over there Kimmie?"

"Oh!" She said, forgetting that she had brought it inside in the first place. She pranced over to the box, and carried it over to the coffee table she had previously been sitting on. She sat the box down, and Willow and I both realized that Kim was too tiny to have that easy of a time carrying a box that big. Kim walked back over to the table in the hallway, stared at something for a moment, before picking up a piece of paper and running back over to us.

I hope you guys liked it! There might be more on the way. (:

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