Meet The Bad Guys

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~No one's POV~

The moon shone through the windows of the mansion, which was inhabited by six skeletons.   Five skeletons were lying across the room, lying on different sofas or just on the floor. The first figure was curled up on the very end of a three-seater sofa. A ray of moonlight illuminated his face. It revealed his facial features: skull as white as snow and a blood red, sideways lightning scar underneath his right eye. He lay very still, his chest rising and falling lightly as he breathed. He was dressed in white and black, his coat extremely fluffy and warm. On the opposite side of the sofa, was an even more curious skeleton; sometimes he had black bones, sometimes they were white. White meant that he was calm, passive, whereas black meant he was aggressive and/or alert. He was usually black boned when he was awake, but this was only because he was an alert person, always expecting danger to appear even in the most calm of situations. Currently he was white, only because he was sleeping peacefully, relaxed at his end of the sofa. 

On a two-seater were three skeletons, two at the ends, one on the back of the couch. One had a large piece of his skull missing, another looked relatively normal, the last (being on the one on the back) having empty, black eyes, devoid of emotion. He also had black streaks that seemed to leak from his eyes.

All of their names were (in order of description): Cross, Nightmare, Horror, Dust, and Killer.

But that's only five of six skeletons. 

Error. He was missing from the scene. He was the leader of the group.

The skeletons in the room were all asleep, the only noise to be heard was their gentle breathing, no snoring.  The room they were in was a large living room, with many more armchairs and sofas than they could fill. The closest armchair to the two occupied couches was empty, but usually Error slept there, not willing to get too close to anyone. Especially since he had big trust issues and haphephobia (fear of being touched). Nobody knew where Error was, but they had all assumed he'd be back by the early hours of the morning.

~About 30min Time Skip~  

Cross started to twitch. At first it was just his fingers, gripping the hilt of his oversized knife, but then it was his legs, moving restlessly, as if trying to move his body forwards. He flinched in his sleep before throwing himself into a sitting position, eyes flying open, letting out a terrified gasp. He tried to slow his breathing and failed, resulting in him almost choking thanks to a lack of oxygen. His heavy breathing woke up Nightmare, who had bolted up at Cross' sudden and loud gasp. In a flash, Nightmare's body became black and corrupted, with four slimy tentacles shooting out from his back. He hissed and caught sight of Cross, shivering and gasping, face in his hands. 

~Nightmare's POV~

Cross was on his knees at the other end of the couch, shaking violently, burying his face in his hands, sniffing. He was obviously crying. I was in a mild state of shock. I'd never seen Cross cry, none of us had. I was unsure of what to do. I was terrible at comforting people, I wasn't like my twin brother Dream. I didn't like to talk about feelings. He was great at reassurance and making people happy. Somehow me and my own twin were polar opposites; the only thing we had in common was our love for apples. And even then, he always liked sweet ones, while I liked sour apples. 

I was confused, why would Cross be crying? None of us ever cried, what did we have to cry about? Then it hit me. A panic attack.

Having experienced a few of these myself, I understood entirely, and I just wanted to help him, despite my hate for helping others. I scooted over, putting my hand on his back. He shivered from the sudden contact. 

"Cross? Cross, can you hear me?" I asked softly. He continued to shake and cry violently, though still silently, afraid to wake anyone else up. Cross didn't like attention, I knew that much.

I pulled his hands away from his face, exposing his tear stained state. The purple tears were still sliding quickly down his pale face. For a reason that I don't know, seeing him so vulnerable hurt me. I pulled him into a tight hug. I took his hand, keeping my other arm wrapped firmly around his waist. I guided his hand with mine to his sternum and pressed down on it firmly yet gently. This seemed to calm him, his breathing slowing slightly.

"Cross? Can you hear me now? Do you feel any better?" I whispered to him, looking him in the eyes. I noticed that his red eye -the one with the scar underneath-  had taken the shape of a target. I immediately felt worried, knowing that this only happened when he was extremely angry or scared. 

"Cross, please answer me, are you okay?"

He looked up at me, raised a hand, and wiped the remaining tears off his face.

"I-I-I  am n-now. Thank y-you, Nightmare..." 

There was the sound of a key clicking and turning in a lock, the front door opened and in stepped Error. Now, may I remind you, my arm is around Cross' waist, and our hands pressed together on his chest. 

Error stares at us , and we stare back.

Oh God.


Hey! This is my first fanfic so uhhhh

It will be crap???

And uh....

I hope it wasn't THAT bad... 


(even though no one will see this crap...)

ByE eVeRyOnE~

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