Nightmare Will Be Mad, Cross...

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~Sans' POV~

I stood at the end of the corridor, waiting.

To be honest, I don't know why I do it anymore. 

Nothing changes.

It never has.

And it never will, either.

It's like I'm on autopilot. I don't choose to do it.

I just do.

I don't have to wait here. Technically nothing's stopping me from going home and letting her do her thing. 

But there is, at the same time. How can I watch everyone get killed over and over? 

And a friend told me, "Kill her as soon as she gets out of the ruins every time, she'll get bored and give up."

And I had to explain that I can't. My magic isn't strong enough. Against someone with low LOVE, I am weak. Honestly, I stand no chance.

I rely on Karmic Retribution. 

The higher the LOVE of my opponent, the more damage my attacks can do.

And when she comes out of the ruins, Chara's LOVE is only at about 7.

Well, I say Chara's, but I'm not actually sure if it's Frisk or Chara doing it. All I know is that they're in the same body.

Hell, they might even be working together.

I doubt it, but whatever. 

I don't have my phone on me. I haven't even bothered to charge it in weeks. I don't get time to speak to anyone anymore. Fell probably thinks I've died.

And to be fair, I have. Many times. 

But he probably thinks I've died and the timeline wasn't reset.

Which it is, as soon as they get out of the underground.

I miss talking to Fell. And Blue. We had a group chat. 

But the person I talked to the most was Fell. I feel like I can tell him anything. 

We were almost dating in high school.

In fact, we might have been. Neither of us spoke about it to one another, the prospect of us dating, but we acted like we were in all honesty.

Okay so long story short I've always thought he was hot. One night, me and quite a number of the Sanses went out for a drink. We were all about sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen, some of us. A few were fifteen, too. We went to Underlust, because there it's legal to serve alcohol to fifteens and over. That's the awesome thing about that universe.

So anyway, everyone got pretty drunk. I think I was about... sixteen? Yeah, my dad was not happy when I got home. It's only legal to drink when you're eighteen in Undertale. 

What time did I get home?

Five o'clock the next morning.

Who was there?

Me,Fell, Blue, Geno, Reaper, Dream, Nightmare, Lust, Error, Ink, Killer, G, Dust, Horror, Outer and I believe Cross was there. I don't know. I was to drunk to really remember anything much.


~No one's POV~

"DAD!" Sans called, walking down the stairs.

"Yeah?" Gaster said as he typed into his laptop.

Sans checked the clock on the wall. Five to eight. He was supposed to be at Underlust in a few minutes. Oh well, he'd wouldn't be that late.

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