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a/n - idk if i'll update this one much,, currently working on a johnten fic so ye

The next day came and Jungkook woke up on the couch. Taehyung let Jungkook sleep on his couch since he didn't have a guest bedroom. Sitting up on the couch Jungkook checked his phone. He scrolled through his instagram and looked over how his friends were back in his hometown. He had to get away from home. He had no choice.

A knock was heard at the front door, causing Jungkook to jump from the sudden abrupt noise that broke the silence. He got up and answered the door. There stood a pizza delivery person. "For Kim Taehyung?" Jungkook took the pizza and cleared his throat. "Uh.. y-yes! Thank you." The delivery guy then left and Jungkook shut the door and sighed. Why would Tae order pizza when it's breakfast time? Pushing the thought aside, Jungkook headed upstairs to Taehyung's room and knocked before going in. There sat Taehyung playing Fortnite on his bean bag chair. "Oh thanks Kook, just set it down on my bed." Jungkook did so and sat on the floor next to Taehyung. "Shouldn't you eat breakfast instead of pizza?" Jungkook rested his hand on his palm and watched the screen. "mm yeah but like pizza is awesome and i dont feel like cooking." Taehyung turned to look at the younger, right when he did he was blown up with a bomb on fortnite. "Shit fuck damnit-" Jungkook broke out into a laugh and poked Taehyung's side. "Haha you died~" "Oh shut up- Anywho, do you wanna split this pizza, can't finish it myself." Jungkook hummed, "Aren't you sick, you should eat-" Taehyung's sneeze interrupted him and Jungkook simply chuckled. "Well i'll take half and put it in the fridge. I'm gonna go out and look around." Taehyung nodded. "Ah okay, text me if you get lost or whatever, and stay safe." Jungkook nodded and did what he had to do before he left.

Jungkook hummed to the music playing in his earbuds. The are around him was damp from the rain of yesterday which caused him to step in a few puddles. Jungkook passed the convenient store from yesterday but saw Namjoon's car. Namjoon seemed to be asleep in his own car. Taehyung gave him Namjoon's number yesterday so he could talk to him but Jungkook decided to not text him just yet. He went up to Namjoon's car window and tapped on it. Namjoon jumped awake which caused Jungkook to stumble back a bit. The older rolled down his sleeves quickly, hoping Jungkook didn't see the things he did to himself. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. "Oh hey kook.." "S-Sorry to wake you hyung.. I was worried.. uhm.. why are you sleeping in your car?.." Namjoon shifted around a bit, still in the suit from yesterday. "Something came up and i don't want to return home just yet.." Jungkook nodded. "Ah okay.. well if you need a place, i'm sure taehyung would let you stay at his place." Jungkook smiled, letting his bunny teeth show a bit. "Ah Taehyung, haven't talked to him in a while. Hope he's okay, assuming he is the guy you're staying with but uh it's fine. Don't wanna become a burden you know.. " Jungkook scratched his head, "I'm sure you wouldn't be a burden, but just letting you know. I-I know we just met but uhm just know you can talk to me whenever yeah?" Namjoon hummed and nodded, "Thanks bud. Well let me see your phone so you can have my number." Jungkook blushed faintly and looked down, "About that.. Taehyung gave me your number already so.." "I see, well text me when you can okay?" Namjoon chuckled and earned a nod from jungkook. "Alright Hyung. Well i'll be on my way.." Jungkook peered into the car and saw a box of razors, hoping that Namjoon didn't use them, he sighed softly and smiled lightly. "H-Have a nice day Joonie.." Namjoon nodded, "You too Jungkook."


Joonie, Cute. Namjoon watched as Jungkook walked away. Namjoon thought that Jungkook was a good guy, he was good looking too. Namjoon sighed and turned on his car, he should probably go home right?

Namjoon arrived at the house. He exited his car and headed to the front door, opening it and going in. He took his shoes off and slowly headed upstairs. Immediately tearing up and thinking about what had happened yesterday. He went into his room. The bed was set and there was nobody to be seen. He went into his closet and grabbed a hoodie and jeans, throwing them on. He wanted to get rid of the suit. It already had too many bad memories. Namjoon tossed the suit into the closet on the floor and went to the bathroom.

As he looked in the mirror he rolled up his sleeves and looked at what he did yesterday. All that could be seen were cut marks all over. "I guess I really am not enough.." At the moment he got a text from Yoongi. It wasn't the first time Yoongi cheated on him. But it was the first time he cut because of it. A few months ago Namjoon watched Yoongi pound into his ex girlfriend, Jennie Kim, from when he was in highschool. It oddly turned him on but Namjoon didn't really mind it. This was the 4th time Namjoon caught Yoongi cheating. He couldn't take it. Back to the text, it was another long text, apologizing and saying it wouldn't happen again. Yoongi said he'd make up for it. Namjoon thought it was bullshit but yet again, he forgave him and tried to believe him.

A slightly depressed Namjoon headed downstairs and to the living room to watch tv. He then got a text from an unknown number.

a/n - yeet this is bad. idk anymore, a while ago i deleted all my notes for this sadly so like yeah rip.

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