Ticotan Station

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I was getting a bit hungry and my fuel gage was a bit low too

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I was getting a bit hungry and my fuel gage was a bit low too. I was ecstatic when I saw the glossy red roof of the Ticotan Station in the distance. Little did I know that my enthusiasm would be cut too short.

I pulled up to the station's landing zone and parked my craft. It was eerily abandoned with dangling light fixtures that flickered on and off. The outside was dimly lit and it was a bother how anyone found the station before, if it wasn't for my keen eye sight, I might've just blindly passed by it.

Although, a soft thumping noise caught my attention. It had came from the heart of the station and I was hesitant to go in. I had a strange feeling about this place, yet I couldn't identify it yet. So I shrugged it off, passing it off as just me reacting to my hunger. That was a mistake.

Hesitantly taking the first step, I entered the darkened station. The thumping noise slowly turned into the low beats of a dance-based song. As I neared the centre, I witnessed the bright, neon, flashing lights of an alien dance party. Feet, hooves, tentacles, and other appendages slammed down onto the black tiled dance floor; all in beat with the blaring music.

Not wanting to grab any attention to myself, I maneuvered around the edge of the party, making my way towards the bar. I slipped onto a vacant barstool and spun towards the counter.

"One of your specialties please." I raised my hand, signalling to the bartender. He looked and me and grunted softly, putting down his dirty white cloth and the beer mug he was cleaning. He then pulled out another mug and walked over to a tap before pouring a blackish Green, lumpy, liquid into the glass.

"Three fifty." He grumbled as he slid the drink down the counter to me. I caught the mug before digging into my pockets and pulling out some spare change. I handed him the currency and he looked at me as though I were an alien he'd never seen before. Glancing back down at the change, he grunted and shrugged and then shoved it into a pocket in his apron before going back to cleaning the dirtied beer mugs.

I looked down at the supposed beer in my glass and watched as a small bubble emerged from it before popping at its highest peak.

"You only live once." I thought to myself, it was my motto and was probably the only thing that kept me sane. I lifted up the glass and brought it to my lips, tilting it about 100°, I let the beer slowly slide down into my mouth.

It had a moist, slimy texture, while the taste itself had hints of cocoa and coffee. It was surprisingly good, and suddenly my strange feeling had returned.

As I gulped down the final droppings of my drink, a heavy exhaustion came over me. My droopy eyes fell shut and I felt the glass slip out of my hand. Silence seemed to fill the air as the glass fell, the noise of the glass shattering upon the ground broke the apparent silence before the music seemed to blare again. My body went limp and all I could feel was the air brushing past me as I fell back. I felt something catch me before I blacked out.


I awoke in a dimly lit room, other female aliens were tied to poles and wore skimpy black outfits.

"Please don't tell me I'm in the alien version of Fifty Shades Of Grey." I thought to myself as I slowly turned my head in hopes of finding a way out. My cheeks burned as they turned a deep shade of red as I noticed I too wore an extremely revealing outfit.

"What the fudge muffin am I wearing?" I gasped loudly.

"Shh..." an unidentifiable Shusher shushed me. I then tried my best to untie the poorly tied rope that bound me to a pole, it seemed as though the person who made the knot had been in a rush. It was almost untied when the only door in the room was kicked open, a male in a black leather suit walked in with a black whip in his left hand.

"Release me at once!" I demanded as I loosened the restraints to the point of allowing my right arm to be free. 

"Why should I?" He turned towards me and took a few steps closer. "You belong to me now." He bent down and leaned towards me, his face inches away from mine.

"I belong to no one." I spat in his face. He stumbled back and wiped my saliva from his face.

"You." He raised his hand that held the whip, my heart began to pound loudly as he flicked it down towards me. Like a ninja, I grabbed the tail of the whip with my free hand and used it to pull myself up. As I pulled on the whip, the male fell towards me. Just before he hit me, I blank slapped the beer out of him. A loud whack sound erupted from the impact of my left palm to his cheek, leaving a dark red handprint upon his face. The station went silent as all eyes were on us.

"Well. This has been fun, but I gotta get home for dinner." I made a run for it, an unceasing feeling growing in me.

"Get her!" I heard screams and pounding of feet behind me. I ran into a darkened hallway till the sound of men chasing me faded.

I was alone, except I didn't feel alone. I looked around the room, my heart still racing, when my eyes locked on two red glowing eyes in the distance.

I swallowed hard as a low growl broke the all too silent room. A creature with blue-green coloured fur and black tiger like stripes walked out of the shadows. It had a cat like structure and wings of an eagle, it's tail was thin and scaly with a round spiked ball on the tip of its tail. It approached me slowly and I instantly recognized the creature.

It was a Jayguard, a very rare species, only found in old legends or tales. There was only one way to tame the great beasts, fail and you would instantly die.

Staring deep into its soulless, beady red eyes, I took a deep breath and lunged at the creature. Grabbing it by it's neck, my hand ran down it's neck towards it's white fluffy tummy. As I let out my battle cry, I scratched the giant beast's stomach.

It let out a roar before collapsing to the ground and rolling over onto its back, acting like a happy little puppy as I rubbed its belly.

"Do you think you can help me get back to my ship?" I asked politely as I pleased the great beast.

I swore I saw a grin appear upon its face as the creature got up to it's feet. Flicking it's head, it signalled me to hop on. I excitedly climbed onto it's back and latched onto the tuff of fur around it's neck.

Without warning, the creature leapt into the air, flapping it's wings as it took flight.


As we neared my craft, I noticed a group of men gathering along the edge of the station. Suddenly my heart sank into my gut as I began to feel as though we weren't going to make it.

The creature spun around and flung me into my craft before turning back to go after it's captors.

I thanked it silently as I took off, anxiously watching as the Ticotan Station disappeared into the distance.

This is definitely a story to tell the others back home.

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