Horrifically Perfect

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Axel's P.O.V

My pale green eyes shoot open at the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear. I smash my hand against the loud device hoping it would just shut up. I.Hate.Mondays. I stand up with a groan and start to get ready. I limp over to my closet and pull out a black Death Note shirt and some regular black jeans. You are probably wondering why I am limping. Well, to answer your question I was in a car accident when I was six. It not only left permanent damage to my knee but it also left a large, jagged scar starting below my left eye and ending at my left collarbone. I can't even run without my knee hurting like a bitch! Your probably tired of my complaining so I'll just shut up now. I take off my old clothes and start putting on the ones I just got from my closet. I really don't feel like taking a shower. I go over to my dresser and take out some black socks and put them on. I stumble to the bathroom and brush my teeth, hair, ect.

After a good 10 minutes I am completely ready for school except I don't have my back pack or black converse on. I put them on as quickly as possible. Which is not that quick because of my damn leg. I limp out the door not bothering to say bye to my mum. She has most likely already gone to work anyways. I might as well mention that we live in butt fuck nowhere so it'll probably take a nice 27 minutes to get to my school. I might also want to mention that we just moved here so I will also be new to this school. I really wish I would have wore a watch. I sigh and run my fingers through my messy crimson red hair. Yes, it is my natural colour. My dad had the same hair colour as me, but he passed away when I was nine. I shake my head and continue my adventure to school.

I really do not know how long it took me to get here , but I guess I'm not late because I see other kids still outside the school. All eyes are on me. I feel so out of place here. Everyone is wearing something nice, and I am wear a Death Note shirt and skinny jeans. I let my pale green eyes look at the ground. They're is no way in hell I'm going to make eye contact with any of these people. I need to get to the principles office. I really wish my limp and scar wasn't so noticeable. They always cause attention.

After five minutes of looking around I finally made it to the principles office. I limp in and see a small elderly woman with brown hair. She looks up at me and smiles.

"You must be Axel!" She says cheerfully. I just nod as a reply.

"You must not be much of a talker! Well, that's fine because we have people that talk to much around here," She says while handing me my schedule.

"N-N-No" I manage go stutter out.

"Well, okay just tell me if you need anything!" She replies cheerfully and I nod once more.

I stumble out the office and I look down at my schedule. Ugh, I have math first. I guess that is good because I can get it over with. I start my adventure to the classroom. I really hope this year isn't like the last. I was constantly tortured by the harsh words of my fellow students. New school new start I guess.

"This is Axel he is new here. Everyone say 'Hi' to Axel!" Said my Math teacher with fake enthusiasm.

"Hi Axel," said the students in unison. Clearly uninterested.

I make my way to the back of the class and sit in a empty seat right next to the window. I look out the window and into the woods below. Oh! I forgot to mention that this school was 2 stories. Well anyways, I looked at the woods below and something catches my eye. I look closer and it looks like a boy in a white hoodie. The boy slowly raises his hand and waves. I slowly raise my hand and wave back. Suddenly the boy disappears, leaving me completely dumbfounded on what I just saw. I shake my head and quickly turn and pretend to be paying attention to the lesson. My mind kept drifting to the strange being I just saw. I didn't even get to see his face. I feel like a love sick puppy; I mean I am gay. What am I even thinking about! I don't even know this guy! I sigh and turn my attention to back to the lesson.

A Loving Psychopath: A Jeff The Killer BxB RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now