Slendy The Ultimate Bitch and The Cleverbot Sitution

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Axel's P.O.V

My mind is still stuck on the events of last night. Last night me and Jeff cuddled while watching a movie until I fell asleep on his chest. I look over at Jeff and he seems to be in deep thought. I wonder what his is thinking about? I limp over to him and poke him in the face.

"Whatcha thinking about?" I say poking him once more.

"I was thinking about what we should do today," He answered.

"Oh, that's dull," I say poking him again.

"Wanna go to the park?" Jeff asked.

"Sure, sounds fun," I answer while popping my back.

"Okay, go get dress while I change into my illusion form," He says.

So that's what he calls it. An illusion form. Hmm, interesting. I go to my room and get dressed into a Slipknot band T-shirt and some black skinny jeans. The reason I always wear skinny jeans is because regular jeans are really baggy on me. I pull on some black socks and red Converses. I go out the room and go to the bathroom. I do my business and brush my hair. I laugh at how weird my hair looks brushed so mess it up again using my hand. I walk out the bathroom. I look around and I see Jeff leaning on the wall by the door in his illusion form. He looks at my shirt and says,

"I love Slipknot!"

"Well, obviously I do to,"

"In a smart ass mood I see?"

"Oh sod off!"

We giggle for a bit before we make our way to the park. I hear a twig snap in the woods on the left side of us. We have been out the house for 5 minutes. 5 minutes! We we are already probably going to be attacked by something! A boy with a royal blue mask and a black hoodie emerged from the woods. He also had this weird as fuck black goo leaking from the eye holes of the mask. I am pretty sure he doesn't have any eyes.

"Wow, your creepy," I say in a monotone voice.

"EJ what the fuck are you doing here?!" Jeff ask angrily.

"Rude, I am sorry if I interrupted your little date, but Slendy The Ultimate Bitch wants to know were the hell you have been," The bo- I mean EJ says angrily putting emphasis on bitch.

"It's not a date!" We both say in unison.

"To answer this 'Slendy's' question, he has been with me for the past couple days. We were on our on our way to the park until we were so rudely interrupted. So kindly fuck off," I say using my sassy tone of voice and smiling.

"You better shut you mouth before you get yourself killed!" The rude ass bitch answered me. (I am so sorry if you like EJ I have nothing against him but this is just to go along with the story).

Jeff gets up in Jack's face and says,"If you even lay a finger on him I will rip your head off and feed it to the Rake!" Jeff says sounding really pissed. What the fuck is 'The rake'.

"Okay! I'll just tell Slendy that you have been staying with you little boyfriend and he'll probably send Masky and/or Hoodie to kill him instead of me," Jack said holding his hands up.

"Tell Slendy that he might have two less proxies if they try to kill him," Jeff answered back.

The boy left with a simple 'whatever' and disappeared into the woods. How odd. I look over at Jeff and he is glaring where EJ disappeared to. EJ is a rude ass bitch.

Jeff looks at me and grabs my shoulders and says,"You are not going to be alone! I will have to be with you no matter! It is for your own safety!"

"Okay," I say like nothing just happened.

A Loving Psychopath: A Jeff The Killer BxB RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now