My Best Friend is a Serial Killer

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Axel's P.O.V

The bell rang and I hobble out the class room and quickly as possible go to lunch.
Lunch time is a living hell. But lucky for me there is always at least one empty table so I don't have to sit on the ground or stand up to eat.

I reach the cafeteria and scan the crowd for an empty table. I see one at the very back. I limp over to it and sit down. I brought my own lunch so I don't have to eat this shit they call food here. I'm pretty sure it's not even food. I swear that I heard it hiss at me. It is only my second day of school here but it already feels like I've been here forever. My thoughts were interrupted by Jeff coming to sit in the chair right beside me. Why does he even bother I thought I was a freak.

"Hey," Jeff said looking at me straight in the eyes. This made my heart accelerate.

"Hi," I reply softly

"Whatcha eating?" He asked pointing to my lunch bag.

"Food," I answer bluntly.

Jeff chuckled at this and asked,"What kind of food?"

"The edible kind," I reply with a smirk.

Then everything was ruined by a 'popular' girl strutting over to our table.

"Hey Jeff, why are you sitting with this loser? Come sit with us," Ouch. Right in my feelings.

What happened next truly surprised me.

"I think I'll stay here. I would rather be with a awesome loser than a stuck up bitch any day," He said shooing her away.

She slapped Jeff in the face leaving a red mark, and with a gasp she stormed away. Wow, what a bitch! She is a super mega bitch.

"Bitch," I yelled at her. I have no idea if she heard me or not but it made Jeff laugh.

"Yeah, you're right she is a bitch," He said still laughing his ass off.

I look at him in the eyes and say,"Why did you choose me over them? Like they said, I am just a loser,".

"I don't think you're a loser. I think you are pretty damn cool!" He cheerfully replied.

I smile at him. I think I just made a friend. He smiled back at me. Yep, I'm pretty sure I made a friend. I haven't had a friend in a long time. It would be nice to have one again. He hasn't even known me for long and he is already sticking up for me. Next thing I know me and Jeff are having a staring contest. We were just smiling at each other now he are having a full on staring contest. Damn will he ever blink? Come one blink! Blinnnnnk. My eyes burn! Okay, I can't do this. I gave in and blink and Jeff let out a cry of victory. We probably look insane to any other person passing by.

"Friends?" Jeff asked extending his hand.

"Friends," I say taking it in mine and shaking it.

And that's how I became friends with probably the best person I will ever meet. We have been hanging out for the past week. From Tuesday to Friday and I hope he will come over today. I need to ask him. I find it weird that I haven't seen my attacker since he showed up, but I don't question it to much. If he is my attacker somehow then so be it. He will still be awesome. He will have probably killed a lot of people but that doesn't mean he isn't my friend. I know you think I am insane saying that. I don't give two shits though. I also found it strange how he is in every class I am in. That can easily just be a coincidence. I could really use some cake right now. That is what I will do. I will see if Jeff can come over then I will make cake. Sounds like a plan. I spot Jeff and I limp over to him. I remember a couple days ago when he asked about it. I'll save the details because you have most likely heard the story a hundred times.

A Loving Psychopath: A Jeff The Killer BxB RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now