Chapter Two

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When we arrived at the lake I was starting to get nervous.

What if he was there?

Would he talk to me?

If so, what would i say?

I didn't dare tell Cole about this, he would go run his mouth to the whole ball team then it would just be awkward.

When i walked into Mason's large house my heart was beating out of my chest.

I walked down the steps to the dock with Cole and i put on a little sunscreen then jumped in. I didnt see Hayes anywhere.

More and more people from the team started to show up, but i still havnt seen Mason either. I saw my friend Mackenna on a canoe. I had a plan.

I swam over to Mackenna quietly and flipped her over. She came back up and laughed.

"Hey Sky! I didnt see you come up!"


We laughed and talked for awhile until we decided to sit on the edge of the dock.

Then, we saw a boat drive up. I saw Mason in the boat and the boat was pulling a huge orange float. Mason jumped out of the boat and starting swimming to us. Afterall, he did like Mackenna.

Sure enough, after mason got to us Hayes jumped out of the boat! My day has been completed!!! I freaked out in my head. Officially the best day ever, but of course i didnt say that outloud.

Both of them finally got over to us and we all four started talking.

Hayes and i said a few words, and he has a beautiful smile.

Then they wanted us to go on the big orange float with them so we all started swimming to the float. Mason climbed

on first, then Mack, then Hayes, then finally me.

Being my clumsy self i couldnt get on that float for anything! I looked up and Hayes was right above me.

"Here, let me help you." He reached for my hand, i reached for his, and he pulled me onto the float.

This day keeps on getting better and better. I couldnt stop smiling.

When we all four got on we had to figure out our seating formation which took forever because no one wanted to sit on the outside because you fall off alot, which hurts!!

Masons dad got tired of waiting so somehow the two girls got stuck on the ends.

I had Hayes beside me so i was definatly ok with that. Not like that will help me, we have only said "hey" and then he helped me onto the float, thats all.

The boat started going and mason satrted telling us how once the float totally flipped and honestly, i was scared.

Apparently i was shaking because hayes asked, "Are you scared?"

I looked at him. "Yes, im very scared!"

Then, out of the nowhere, he held my hand. So i had one hand in the middle of me and Hayes, and one hand hanging onto the side of the float.

Im sure it was nothing though, he was just trying to make me feel better.

We started going veryy fast and i started to slip off. We then hit a huge wake and me and Mack, and Hayes fell off.

Hayes of course slipped off because he was holding my hand, so why didnt he let go?

When we came up i had a whole mouth full of lake water and it was distcusting!!! I started to gag and Hayes came over to me.

"Sky? Are you okay?"

He looked really worried.

I just coughed it up and then i was fine. I had to smile though because he actually cared.

"You couldve let go of my hand," i said as we were swimming back.

"Oh no its fine. Im just glad youre okay, i thought you were seriously hurt out there!"

I just smiled and laughed.

We went on the float one more time except i didnt fall off this time. Hayes moved to the outside, what a gentleman(: Me and Hayes held hands again and i held on really tight because i wouldve felt bad if he wouldve fell off.

When we got back we went kneeboarding and then we swam more. Hayes, Mack, Mason, and I hung out all day. I got to know Hayes better and we had a good time.

Before i knew it we were about to leave. I went to tell Hayes, Mason, and Mack bye but Hayes got out of the lake and came over to me.

"I had a great time with you today, Sky." Hayes said.

I smiled and said "me too! im glad i got to spend time with you!"

He asked for my number so i gave it to him, he gave me a hug, then i left.

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