Chapter 1

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Jesse's POV 

 In an August morning, I'm snuggled up in my new uniform added with my black Doc Martens. Glancing at my watch, I realize I would be a little late if I don't get a move on soon. I walk out to the kitchen to see my parents eating breakfast together; I let them know that I'm going to school. 

"Oh sweetheart-" Whenever they give me pet names, it usually means that they are disappointed about something, "we're not going to be home until tomorrow morning, okay?" I nod at them, walking out the door with my bag and iPhone; I'm correct as usual. 

I walk to school, taking in the crisp, fresh air. I'm still in shock that my parents decided in the middle of June to move from Perth to Sydney. They didn't even have a proper reason for it either. 

Norwest Christian College is my new school and I'm kind of looking forward to it. It's a new slate that I can start on, a new beginning. No one knows me here and that adds to it. 

I walk into the front office and ask the lady at the front desk, "Excuse me, miss?" She takes one look at me and flashes a 120 watt smile at me, asking if I'm new here. I nod at her and she looks down at her computer, typing.

"What's your name, sweetie?"

"Jesse Rebel."

After 5 minutes, she lets out a breath meaning she's done and hands me my schedule along with my locker combos. She verbally pushes me put the door before I could ask more questions.I walk out of the office and take a deep breath. I look my locker and find it down the hall. Headings towards it, I get both confused and rude looks.

I'm used to it since wearing flower crowns are considered childish, but I like them so it doesn't matter what they think of it. I hear a couple of gasps as I walk down the hallway. I mentally roll my eyes and sort out my unorganized papers in my new locker. When I find my schedule, I look up to see three guys walking in my direction. "Hey, can you three help me?" I ask them as they come closer.

"Yeah, what's up?" The one with black hair says.

"I'm new here and I don't know where anything is. So maybe you can help me?" I ask, slightly cringing, in case of rejection.

"Wait, you're the new girl, right?" The long-fringed one asks. The blonde and black haired one's eyes widens in realization. "We heard about you." My eyes widen as they say this.

"Really? May-" I get cut off by the tardy bell blaring. The blonde one grabs my schedule and takes a look at it, claiming that all of us have some classes together. "That's good 'cause you seem like really chill guys to hang out with."

"Thanks but we aren't. We're hella weird as fuck. By the way, I'm Michael," the long-fringed one introduces himself.

"I'm Luke," the blonde one greets me.

"And I'm Calum!" The black haired one screams. My eyes widen at his enthusiasm. "Sorry, I like meeting new people, especially nice people."

"Aww, thanks Calum. Well, we should get to class because we're about 5 minutes late. So which class do I have first?" I ask them.

"Home room with us, so c'mon!" Michael says from down the hall, already having the head start. We all catch up to him, to all stand in front of the classroom door, waiting to go inside. "Well, what are we waiting for?" 

"You. So you can open the door," I say, sassily. Calum and Luke exchange a look and start laughing. Michael's jaw opens slightly and closes as he opens the door leading us in.

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