Chapter VI

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-- Discovered --


Vitality is the first thing I feel that runs through my body as I wake up from what I can guess as a deep sleep, a deep sleep that I hardly get, consequences of being pursued by the world government since I was 9 years old.

Even after I joined the Mugiwaras it is difficult to get into a deep sleep, even after the Mugiwaras really recognized me as one of them after the events in Water 7, although the search for that deep sleep was facilitated, but the difficulty remains.

I fell into a deep sleep again by Zoro, indirectly, because yesterday our training started looking for my defense and the awakening of my Observation Haki, which by the time I went to sleep I had fallen into that dream as soon as I touched my cozy bed.

Now I understand Zoro's drowsy aspect, he falls asleep in any place, giving no importance to details such as temperature, comfort, surface or weather, he sleeps whenever and wherever he wants, and nothing could stop him.

Although his sleep seems deep and he appears to be sleeping relaxed, he is always alert to danger, I checked it myself several times when I was recently on this crew. I always woke up right away when I was some distance away preparing to be sliced to pieces if I arrived with bad intentions, although my intentions were never that.

After those failed attempts, I did not come so close again to avoid disturbing his dreams, even after everyone had accepted me as one of them, including him. My only sure approach was a few days ago when I returned the bandana, I woke him up, but this time he did not seem alert to any danger from me, which was a great comfort to me at the time as I had my doubts, as he resented being awakened even by his nakamas.

I had read and heard that physical exercise generates happiness and revitalizes the body, myths I told myself, because I know someone who exercises hard every day, but keeps his face like a rabid dog, happiness and vitality are not around him, with time I began to understand that this is his face every day, his face happiness.

Now I believe in these myths because I feel the happiness and vitality to go through my veins, although my legs do not share the same thing because they seem exhausted and tired of living. I sit on the bed removing my legs from the blankets and I decipher the sensations of my legs, the sensations are only by the extra weight that offers me the weights that since yesterday I must carry them for 24 hours in the 7 days of the week except when I take a bath.

I turn my gaze towards the door and find Nami's figure drinking tangerine juice as she sits on one of the couches we have in the room. I look at the clock on the wall to realize that my deep sleep was really very deep.

I have to go to breakfast because Zoro has told me that I should not keep my stomach empty or I would not perform in training, so I get up and head for the door, of course not before stopping near Nami to wish them good morning.

"Good morning" I offer her a smile, resplendent without that being my intention, because new sensations invade my body. She as a woman, very receptive, she captured it, I know it when I looked into her eyes.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty, you have a great smile, is there a reason for that?" emphasizes my new nickname, letting me see that I wake up in an abnormal hour. I must be cautious of her calculator mind.

"None, I just slept very well and woke up better" I use my new nickname as an excuse to argue my late awakening.

"I see, it must have been a very pleasant dream," she smiles suggestively, finding the other meaning in her words.

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