Chapter VIII

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-- Massage --


Tension in my muscles, consequences of today's early morning jogging around the island and the fact that I've been training for 2 weeks and some days that Zoro increased my exercise sessions by 2 because according to him I'm in the final part.

Each time I feel how my Observation Haki might wake up in some of these days, and I am anxious about it, as I remember Zoro saying that we would train with Sparring to master this Haki, and according to Zoro's book, Sparring requires a lot of physical contact.

That could be an advantage for my progress with my achievement, and a disadvantage when it comes to having to concentrate on training.

He explained that when I wake up my Observation Haki, the daily exercises would become occasional exercises, leaving it up to me to choose when to train, unless I want to learn to wake up the Armor Haki.

The weights on my ankle no longer bothered me as they did at first, hindering my steps, now I feel that they are part of me and over time I have learned to ignore this extra weight. I had to ask Zoro to put on the other 5kg weights to keep the 4 weights on, so that they would present an obstacle again.

According to Zoro when I got used to these 2 extra weights, I won't need to use it anymore because my speed will be fine, but I could keep adding weight to it only if my speed is insufficient for me. Everything seems to want to go back to normal, to my reading life, in that case no more time with Zoro, as if I could do it.

Ah yes, returning to the tension in my muscles, I just came up with the idea of playing betting, a game in which luck decides, in order to be on an equal footing since in games with strategies until today nobody has been able to beat me.

Now I must wait for the right moment to invite him to play after breakfast, always with a bottle of Sake to seduce him. Unfortunately, I recognize that the drink has more power in him than I do.


I call him to play when he leaves the kitchen eating some fruit, with the excuse of relaxing and resting from the early morning exercise a few hours ago.

"Let's make it more interesting, let's bet" I express excited wanting to achieve my objective of getting a massage back from his hands, when he sits in front of me.

"Bet?" he said, staring at the game in surprise, as he grabbed the sake and drank it, because he already knew its function in this place. "Yes, something easy" I assure him to accept, he gives me a look while he finishes his fruit, my expression becomes neutral, because it seems that he doesn't like the idea at all.

"All right" he says and extends his arm, for the first time he offers me a bottle of sake, I refuse, but since he won't retire his arm, I see myself accepting and drinking it from the bottle because there are no glasses nearby, imagining that it is his condition for having accepted, the drink tastes different from the usual sake.

"If I win, you give me a massage, my muscles are very tense from all the training" I say and I give him back the bottle, he also takes sake from the bottle, then I realize why sake tastes different, this includes the taste of Zoro's lips.

"In my case, Sake every time you go to train, for 1 week", he says as he leaves the bottle, increasing my desire to try it again, now aware of what awaits me.

"Well" accepted his prize and we started to play the new game, for my fortune he stretched out the bottle again, I drink the same amount, but more slowly enjoying the flavors and leaving the taste of my lips in the mouth of the bottle so that Zoro also enjoyed, while I look at it with my peripheral view.

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