chapter five - wagging tails

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Changkyun blinked his eyes confused when his alarm woke him up. The sun shined through the closed curtains and the birds were already singing, but it was a sunday, why would he wake up this early?! Then he remembered the food he left for the boy yesterday.

Full of excitement he began to put on clothes and run to the kitchen (which caused him to trip a few times of course). Looking out of the window, he noticed the box was gone. The boy took the food!  He then decided he would do it again this night.


As Changkyun was walking to the mall, he passed a hybrid shop. The clothes they sell there are honestly so cute, and changkyun wished he had enough money to buy a hybrid. Still, he made his way into the shop.

The moment he set a food inside he was welcomed by 3 little kids. One girl had round ears that showed him she was a bear hybrid. The girl next to her had hanging dog ears, which reminded him of those dogs that sometimes trip over their own ears. Her tail wagging behind her unable to hide her excitement. Lastly, there was the smallest kid, also the only boy in the group of kids. His pointy black ears were those of a dog, just like the beagle girl, but instead of wagging, his tail was pressed to his body. Changkyun rufled the boys hair to tell him it's okay, and the boy's tail started wagging as well. Smiling, Changkyun walked further into the shop.

He stopped at the back of the shop and looked around him. He was surrounded by rooms (probably for the hybrids) and the shop had three storeys. Every door had a name tag on it and a photo of which hybrid lived there. An old lady suddenly came to him and asked if she could help him. He shook his head no and told her he was only looking because they are so cute.

As the old lady showed him around, she told him story's about how awful hybrids are sometimes treated by their owners, and that they are often traumatized when they arrive in the shop. One specific story caught his attention tho. It was about three boys and a girl that came in at the same time, mourning about the loss of their beloved mother. They were there for about 6 weeks, before two of the boys, and the girl suddenly disappeared at night. The remaining boy (that welcomed him) was deeply shook by whatever happened and refused to talk until now. She never saw the three hybrids again.

Deeply moved by the story the lady told him, he went to search the remaining boy and gave him a hug. Reading his name tag, he said: "baekhyun-ah, I'll come here very very VERY often to play with you okay? And when I have enough money, I'll adopt you and be your brother, so don't be sad okay?"

The little boy nodded and gave him a toothy grin. Turning around he met the lady's loving look "If you want, you can come work here?  The pay won't be very good but the kids would love it!"

Now it was changkyun's turn to smile. Excitedly he nodded: "I'd love to!"

Author's note

I'm sorry for this lame chapter hehehe... I'll try to make it more interesting~

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