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December 27, 1997

Lucy awoke to her soft silk sheets, and the morning light trickled in through the cream satin valance. Rubbing her eyes Lucy perked up remembering that this was the day that no special event was scheduled and that the family were to have privacy.

Letting her feet hit the icy wooden floor Lucy slowly but surely reached for the window that streaked out golden rays of sun blinding the princess.

"Well, that certainly was a wake up call." Lucy groaned reaching for her robe scattered on her nightstand with her essentials.

Before heading to the bathroom a knock disturbed Lucy as a maid peeked in moments after she knocked. "Miss, I was to remind you of the polo match this morning you are participating in." She pointed out as the princess kept on rubbing her not yet awake eyes.

"Polo match?" Lucy asked as her body and mind both haven't recovered from the long night sleep. "The polo match! I had almost forgotten." Lucy screamed running to the bathroom without even glancing at the maid.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry thank you you are dismissed." Lucy told the maid who stood there stunned at the princesses outburst of excitement from being half asleep.

After Fixing her hair and doing her bathroom essentials Lucy huddled to the wardrobe where her Ralph Lauren shirt and khaki pants hanged for every polo match.

Once she had fixed herself up and matched a bow with her periwinkle shirt Lucy gave herself one look in the mirror and darted towards the kitchen where she met one of her brothers and father.

"Good morning ducky." Charles said grinning knowing that the nickname annoyed his daughter very quickly.

"Morning." Lucy shot back rolling her eyes as she took her seat next to William, who had his nose stuck in his book, while grabbing a biscuit across the table.

"Ready for the match Luce?" William asked her as a biscuit was shoved in her mouth with grape jam escaping her mouth.

"Yes, m-most defiantly." Lucy hesitated trying not to make it noticeable that she had forgotten about the event that her brother took very seriously.

William noticing the quick stutter in his sisters voice smirked under his smile continuing to read the book he had to read over the long break.

"Don't be challenged by them Lucy. They're just trying to make you nervous." Charles reminded her as Lucy gave him a small smile trying  not let her nervousness overcome her.

- - -

"Come on Lucy you got to hit harder then that!" Harry challenged as Lucy hit the ball to William who carefully settled it before he took a swing.

"You just wait wombat!" Lucy shouted using the nickname their mother had given Harry after a trip to Australia when he was two years old.

The royal family on the field roared with laughter as Harry's fair face turned red from embarrassment right before he pulled his horse to Williams fighting for the ball.

In the crowd the queen and the others of the royal family sat chattering over cucumber sandwiches and champagne while watching the family polo match.

"Get em Lucy!" Peter Phillips, the Wales children's first cousin, shouted to Lucy who raced to the ball that Harry had recently hit.

Once Lucy's eye captured the ball resting on the ground that was being eyed by both her and Charles Lucy raced towards it before her father could catch up to her.

As she approached the ball Lucy took one huge swing swinging it in any direction that her wooden mallet hit it making the ball race through the wind towards the large champagne class featured between the setting area and the small buffet.

Not even noticing where she had hit the ball not a second later the huge champagne class shattered open leaving the bottle to explode with white foam.

While others in the field couldn't contain their laughter Lucy held in her breathe waiting for her grandmothers reaction. Moments after the incident the queen gave a short laugh and turned to her sister, Margaret, and grinned as her sister wailed with laughter.

Breathing again Lucy joined her family in laughter as the maids were quick to start cleaning up the mess of champagne and making sure the Queen, most importantly, and other were not soaked.

"Nice half time show Lucy." Harry called out to his sister who jumped off her horse to apologize to her grandmother who just patted her shoulder while being taken into the palace to be dried off.

"Don't worry Lucy she knows it was an accident." Charles told her grinning down at her while ruffling her hair as she complained to her father.

"If you say so.." Lucy murmured as her mind thought of endless ways that her grandmother would punish her like more lessons and etiquette books. Crossing her arms over her chest her brother met her before entering the castle wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Don't worry Mom would've been proud of you!" William said earning a laugh from his sister as she smiled up at him entering the castle with others following close behind.

Hours later after the dinner with the family and chocolate biscuit cake served by the fireplace Lucy was making her way upstairs after being tired from all the activities before she heard her grandmothers voice.

"Lucy, could I see you in my study?" The queen asked the young girl who fiercely nodded her head following close behind the queen.

Once they were seated the maid closed the door leaving the two royals to their discussion. Not taking a second to breathe Lucy's heart skipped beats awaiting for her punishment by the queen.

"As you know your brother will be attending Eton this fall." The queen announced as Lucy nodded in her head understanding.

"I expect you to be on the best behavior while your brothers are away and possibly sometimes your father. You understand?" The queen asked looking into her blue eyes.

"Yes." The princess gave back as a short answer thinking of how she will be so lonely here without her brothers and getting in trouble by herself and no longer with Harry.

"All right, you may go get ready for bed." The queen told her as Lucy slowly got up from her chair gazing down at the olive green carpet.

"And Lucy?" The queen said earning the princess to stare back at the queen who smiled kindly. "You will be a great princess as your mother was."

"Thank you, grandma." Lucy said giving the queen a small smile as she left the room fidgeting with her robes tassel. Later that night the queen thought of ways she could train the young princess for her years come. She never did like Diana but thought that simple reassurance would help the princess learn her  title.

Thank you all so much for all the reads and votes! Please know that if you have any suggestions or comments that I enjoy reading each and every comment and take every one in mind. This scene was inspired from the movie "Monte Carlo" one of my favorite childhood movies when I was a kid.

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