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"Good morning!" Lucy drawled out as she strolled into the kitchen pecking Charles on the cheek before seizing a golden brown piece of toast.

"Off to the stalls this morning?" Charles asked picking his eyes off the newspaper and taking a long sip of cuppa.

"Just to get my mind off of some things." She told him as he gave a slow nod gathering what she was portraying.

"Well, have a nice ride but don't get gathered in the snow storm it's believed to be gathering pretty quickly." Charles informed as Lucy ignored his caution of the storm and began wiping her milk mustache with her sleeve.

"I will, I'll see you at noon!" She called out as the door shut behind her making Charles shake his head before going back into his newspaper.

- - -

Lucy awoke to the pungent smell of hospital disinfect as the rough, scratchy sheets stuck to her sweaty legs. Blinking her eyes twice Lucy gazed around the room finding her father on the lavender high back chair with snores filling the room and next to him Harry, almost falling off the couch, enlightened in the mornings newspaper. Something Harry rarely did but was probably trying to pick something to do as he waited.

"Harry?" Lucy questioned gaining Harry's attention making him stand beside her. "Why am I here?"

"You fell of Scout during a snow storm father cautioned you about. Remember that?" Harry asked as she rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Yeah sure do." She shot back in an aggressive tone which caused Charles to stir and yawn while opening his tired old eyes.

"Already having a kicking are we?" Charles asked as both Wales children shot their heads in Charles direction.

"Yes, Harry just likes to point out the obvious all the time." Lucy told Charles as he went to Lucy's side of the bed taking her near frozen hand.

"Any pain Luce?" Charles asked as Lucy broke eye contact and gazed down at the blanket which was not helping with the cold.

"No." She lied reaching for the remote that laid by her side and turned on the television that lightened the room.

"Always has to be so stubborn." Harry remarked while studying the TVs broadcast.

"I'm not being stubborn I just want to get out of this bloody hospital." Lucy gave in causing Charles to groan and Harry to chuckle under his breath.

Before any other fighting could be done a young, blonde nurse approached them with one hand holding a clipboard and the other with medical wrap.

"Your majesty, the good news is Lucy will be able to go home as soon as I have a looking at her leg and wrap it up a bit."

"Take your time." Charles said grabbing Harry's arm and taking him out of the room knowing his son was way too good at flirting and would soon end up integanizing the nurse.

"It's not too bad is it?" Lucy asked as the nurse began wrapping the beige tape around Lucy's swollen legs.

"Not too bad but I will have to give you crutches to use so you don't put any weight on it." The nurse began once Lucy rolled her eyes in frustration.

"Great, now I get to walk around in crutches and miss the match coming up." She groaned as the nurse looked up at her and chuckled.

"It'll heal faster then you think princess." The nurse advised as she got up brushing off her blue scrub Lucy was sick of seeing.

"I'll just have your father sign the discharge form and you'll be out of here." The nurse said before leaving the room as Lucy changed the channel to a bridal show.

- - -

"Wow look at you in your crutches!" William exclaimed making Lucy skip right pass him and head to the kitchen.

"Don't wanna talk to that one. I'm sure of it." Harry advised William as he ignored his brothers advice and walked to the kitchen finding Lucy indulging herself in a pint of Ben & Jerry's.

"What are you looking at?" Lucy asked as mint ice cream escaped her lips making Harry laugh but soon hide it with a fake laugh.

"Just looking out for you Luce." William informed her as she looked down into the ice cream digging another spoon fill.

"I don't need any looking out." She shot back as the two brothers laughed and went to her side grabbing a pair of spoons out of the drawer.

"Oh yeah then who helped you after mum past away and your latest breakup." Harry asked making Lucy look up and question herself.


"Oh real funny Luce." William said with a fake laugh and taking the pint while going to the long hallway.

"Hey, that's mine! I even requested it!" Lucy hollered as William dashed up the stairs calling out, "Well maybe yourself could help you with your injury."

"I really hate you both sometimes." Lucy told Harry who grinned ear to ear while racing up the stairs with William.

Once at the top he threw his arms in the air and said,"We can't help it it's our priority."

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