1; class is this way

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*this book has undergone heavy editing as of June 14,2020.*


I stare intently as Daniel walks my way,his blue eyes glistening in the light as every other girl in the hall watches him, swooning at his every move.

"Hey, you." He leans on the locker beside me, shooting me a cheeky smile, making his tooth gap show. I rolled my eyes. "Hey." I squinted my eyes at him playfully.
"So Ms. Bentley switched the assigned seats in History again. And now..we're neighbors!Just thought I should give you a heads up."He teases childishly. "Sitting with you for an hour each day..my life's long dream." I clenched my chest Sarcastically.

"Hey,did you change your hair?"He asks, pulling softly at one of my curls making it bounce back.
"Oh..um yeah.I cut it shoulder length."I clicked my tongue. He noticed that?Hell,my own mom wouldn't notice if I wrote the words Notice Me on my forehead.

"It looks good on you, kiddo. "He laughed softly, bending down a bit to rough up my hair. "Hey! Kiddo?!You're only older by a month!" I pout. The bell rang as everyone In the hall scattered to their classes, leaving us in the hallway alone. "To class I go." I clicked my tongue, heading in the opposite direction.

He grabbed my wrists as I headed in the opposite direction of him."Meg..We have history next.You're going the wrong way.."he reminded me, his eyebrow furrowed.

Nice, Meg.

"Right,I completely forgot."I scrunch my face in embarrassment as he began laughing at my stupidity."Hey!Don't laugh at me!"I playfully shoved him."Hey no need to shove..it's cute."He flirted.A small smirk formed across my lips,but quickly vanished once I realized he might've seen me.I smiled as he walked beside me to the classroom, making dumb jokes.

I took my seat,as he followed shortly after.
Well, Meghan.You've done it again.

I took my seat beside Daniel as Ms. Bentley gave us both the cold stare for a hot minute. Ironic. "Ms Lappier and Mr Seavey. Your late passes?" She glared at us from the board. "We don't have any." Daniel spoke back. "Heed my warning, next time, there will not be one. I do not tolerate such unprofessionalism in my classroom." She spat coldly at us both as we snickered. "The joke,Ms. Lappier?" She furrowed her eyebrow at me. I look down, to avoid eye contact, as Daniel snickered at me getting caught. I kicked his ankle under the table.

The period went by quickly.Most of it, at least. Ms. Bentley spent talking about the Industrial Revolution while everyone took notes.While I, on the other hand, couldn't stop getting distracted by Daniel. By the end of the period, neither of us had any work on our papers.Finally, Ms. Bentley informed everybody that we had a test on Monday.
That's only 4 days from now..
I realized.
Daniel peaked over at my notebook,with barely anything written on the page.
"Hey,I can help you study if you want on Saturday."Daniel offered.

"You know..you're not such a bright light yourself.." I teased as he gripped his chest playfully, pretending to be hurt. "Oh, how you wound me, woman."

"I'll think about it, kiddo." I stood from my chair, pinching Daniel's cheeks playfully. Walking away, I heard his objection. "K-kiddo?! I am older than you! Hey get back here!"

****4 hours later****

"Mom I'm home!"I yelled,not seeing my mother anywhere In sight."Mom!Where are you, I'm hungry!"

I rolled my eyes. I jogged upstairs to check in her bedroom.Just as I was about to open the door,I heard laughing and giggling.It was my mom.
I peek through the crack of the door,nosily.
It was my mom..with a man? That's new.

Suddenly,I lean forward to far,and the door creaks.
"Meghan?"My mother says.

"Uh..hey?" I awkwardly spoke, the confusion obvious in my tone as I caught sight of a man sitting on my mother's bed.

"Meghan,come here!!"She seems excited.
"I want you to meet Aaron.My boyfriend!"She excitedly says.

"Seriously, am I being pranked or something? Where's the camera crew?"I say as she yanks me into her embrace for a hug.

I didn't know whether this could've been a good thing or a bad thing but I did know that shit was going to happen...and it did...


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