( cesar & ruby )

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yes i used chris schistad as your boyfriend, because he's beautiful.

"i saw her first!" ruby argues, pushing cesar away from him only so that cesar could push him back. "i don't care, she wants me!" the two of them struggled against each other. watching you as you sat across from where they were, at the round table laughing along with your friends.

"are you guys seriously arguing over y/n again? she's a senior, you are freshmen, she'll never even notice you!" monse laughs, taking a seat at a table next to jamal. "and she has a boyfriend." jamal interjects, pointing over at you.

cesar and ruby stop what their doing and look at you once again, seeing as the quarterback is now sitting next to you with an arm around your waist.

cesar and ruby stop what their doing and look at you once again, seeing as the quarterback is now sitting next to you with an arm around your waist

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monse chuckles as the two teenage boys sigh and take their seats at the lunch table. "this is all you're fault cesar." ruby scoffed, making cesar look at him with a face full of confusion.

"what are you talking about? i didn't tell him to be her boyfriend." cesar rolled his eyes signaling towards you and your boyfriend, now making out.


the last bell of the day echoed through the school, all the students hurrying out of their classrooms and towards their lockers. "h–hey y/n." you turned around at the hearing of someone's voice, "uhm, i'm sorry do i know you?"

"we have art class together, remember? i'm ruby, i sit behind you." ruby wiped the sweat from his hands away using the jean fabric on his pants.

"oh, freshman right?" ruby nodded at your question, looking down at his shoes shyly.

"i was just wondering if you were going to the football game tonight." he smiled.

"uh, yeah i was planning on goi-" your sentence was cut short, an arm wrapping itself around your shoulder.

"of course she's going, her boyfriend is the quarterback after all." chris, your boyfriend, smirked as he watched ruby take a step back and away from you.

"right, how stupid am i?" letting out a forced laugh, ruby waved at you as he walked away from your locker.

"you didn't have to scare him away, he's just trying to make friends. it's his first year." you scoff.

"well yeah, but i've seen how he and his friend look at you. you're my girlfriend

"i know." you nodded, pecking his cheek before closing your locker.

"let's go." he takes your hand in his and the two of you head home.


"let's go freeridge!" the poster in your hands moves from side to side as you cheer in the football team along with all the others on the stands, and of course the cheerleaders.

"excuse me, excuse me, thank you." you moved to the side, letting a couple of other students pass by you and stand next to you.

"oh hi, y/n." your gaze moves from the field to the boy next to you.

"hey, cesar, right?" the boy next to you nods at your question, and you spot the one from earlier next to him.

"hi, ruby." you wave, receiving a wave and a smile back from him. cesar looks at ruby, a glare fixated on each other.

monse abruptly elbows ruby's side, making him bump into cesar. "what?!" they both whisper yell, looking away from each other and at monse.

"did we or did we not discuss this already? you two are ridiculous." monse groans. they sigh, turning towards the field.

after the game you make your way down the bleachers towards the team, now surrounded by cheerleaders.

"congrats, chris. you guys going out for a celebratory dinner? maybe the girls and i can go with you." you roll your eyes, watching as the head cheerleader runs her hand up and down your boyfriends chest.

"yeah, why not?" he smirked.

you scoff, pulling chris away from her. "hey baby." he smiles, pulling you in for a kiss. you pull away from him, grabbing his hand and leading him away from the field.

"are you seriously going to keep letting that skank touch you like that?" you scowl, "what are you talking about?"

"come on chris, karen's been all over you since this summer, and all you do is give into her."

he sighs, running a hand through his messy hair. "is that all you're mad about?" he replies. you chuckle, "you know what? no, i'm tired of you treating me like i'm your fucking property. i'm tired of you ditching me to hang out with the rest of the team, and the cheerleaders. i'm tired of you!" you sigh, calming yourself down. "we're done."

"y/n, god dammit. y/n!" ignoring chris' requests you continue walking, making your way towards the parking lot. a couple tears make their way from your eyes down to your cheeks.

"hey y/n, wait up! you okay?" cesar asks, stopping you and turning you around. the rest of his group behind him.

"i'm fine, thanks for asking." you smile, turning back around and making your way to your car.

"guys, come on. she literally just broke up with her boyfriend. leave. her. alone." jamal groans, walking behind monse and leaving both ruby and cesar behind.

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