Chapter One

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April 16 2014

"Wake up, sweetie. You've got to go to school today, okay? I know you don't want to but you've missed too much," Mom whispered softly.

I groaned and rolled over onto my back, covering my eyes with my left arm to block out the morning sun.

"Come on, Blaise. Just give it a go today. Please? For me?"

"It's gonna be horrible, I can tell you now, Mom. I don't wanna go. Please don't make me."

"You don't know that. But if you start the day believing it's going to be bad, that is the energy you will attract to yourself. I'll tell you what, go today, Try to be happy about it, and if your friends aren't able to cheer you up by morning interval I promise to come get you. How does that sound?"

I groaned again. Then I sighed and groaned some more while I struggled to sit up.

"I hate that you're so hard to argue with. Ugh, fine. I'll go. But only until interval."

"You little cheek!" She laughed. "That wasn't the deal."

"I know, but I haven't been there in over three weeks. Can't I at least just ease back into it?"

She rolled her eyes at me before mumbling something resembling a "yes , fine" and went to boil the kettle for my tea. Sometimes I wonder if I would've been able to survive these past few weeks without my mother. I used to think I couldn't tell her a thing, but from the minute I told her about my break up with Derek she's been nothing but kind and understanding. I know it really gets to her, having to see me like this. It must be terrible having to watch your only child experience so much pain and not being able to do anything about it. I know she thinks I haven't noticed the toll that the worry is taking on her. I'm not stupid, though. She's doing everything she can to make sure she doesn't lose me. I owe it to her to at least try to make myself happy again. So I guess that means it's time to get ready for school. God, this is going to be one royal shit fest of a day.


The rusty old car screeched to a stop just outside the front gate. My mournful gaze out the window must've been pretty dark because my pondering was quickly interrupted with Mom's concerned bombarding of questions.

"Do you have enough lunch? Do your friends know you're coming back today? Are you warm enough? Are you sure you're ready for this? I know I said I'd like you to try it but you know, you don't have to go if you really don't want to -"

I look at her closely. Her eyes are sad and carry dark rings of exhaustion under them. Her lips are chapped and dry and she isn't wearing any make up. She must've forgotten to put some on in the rush to get out the door. Her face is hollow. I can almost see every bone sticking out of her tiny frame. I know this is all because of me. I know it's my fault that she's not taking care of herself. As much as I'm dreading walking through those gates, I know I can't let her down right now. I have to go. If I don't, she'll only worry more.

"I'm fine, Mom. You worry way too much," I gave her a wry smile.

She found my hand and squeezed it hard between her own cold fingers before letting go.

"Good luck my beautiful girl. Call me if you need me, okay? I'll be back here at 11 O'clock to pick you up."

"Okay, Mom. See you later," I said as I open the passenger door and stretch my left leg out.



"I love you."

"I love you too, Mom."

She drove away as soon as I was safely on the other side of the gate. Well, here goes nothing, I suppose.

I'm still trying to figure out where I'm headed for first period when another body slams hard into my side. I feel deceivingly dainty arms wrap around me and constrict me with an iron grip. I smell the sweet scent of a familiar strawberry shampoo and begin to comprehend that it's Carrie who'd come running into me and who is now hugging me tightly.

I strained to utter "can't ... Breathe..."

Her arms loosened and she eventually let go to look at me properly.

"You - . You're here. In person. You're really here!" She practically screamed; her thick blonde curls bouncing excitedly around her shocked face.

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