Chapter 9: Who's Ready to Party?

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"Ooo! OMG! Try this one on, too. Oh, and this one." Victoria and I are currently shopping for my bikini's quite stressing! "Hey! This one's cute. You should try this on, too." So far, I have a total of ten or so bikinis in my hand.

Victoria opens her mouth to protest but I cut her off. "Hey, um, Vic. Can I do the choosing? Because, hehe, this," I held up the bundle of bikinis in my hand, "is out of control."

"Aww...fine. Just try each one on and pick which is your favorite. Oh and don't forget to show me each one. I want a share in this, too," Victoria suggests. I nod and walked over to the dressing room. I walk into a stall and sigh. Well, here we go.


For the next thirty minutes or so, I've been trying on bikinis. Almost all of them pleased Victoria but not this girl. Well that is until I reached the last one. This certain one caught my eye the second I put it on. This is it... The whole thing was a sky blue color. The top piece had fringes and the bottom was just plain. At least this thing wasn't strapless. I stared at my reflection in awe. "Whoa..." I whispered to myself.

When I stepped out to show Victoria, she totally went all girl crazy. It kinda freaked me out. "OH MY GAWD! ALEX, YOU LOOK SO FREAKIN' HOT!" She said, well screamed.

"Gurl, calm your tits. Gosh," I said rolling my eyes while Victoria giggled, "So? What do you think?" I twirled around so she can see the whole thing.

"I give you an A+++++. Let's buy it," she said excitedly. God...she needs to pipe down. We paid for it and decided to head over to Starbucks. We ordered our drinks and sat down and waited.

"Today was tiring," I said.

"Are you kidding? Today was ah-mazing!" Victoria said, "Brb girly. Got to go use the restroom. Be sure to get my drink."

"Sure thing," I said as she got up and walked away. Our names were called and I got up to retrieve out drinks. As I finished putting in our straws, I turned around and bumped into Victoria. "Hey!" I say pretending to sound mad.

"Haha...Sowwy, ready to go?" She asks. I nod and we head to her place to get ready.

We arrive at her house and head to the door. "Hey, I have to tell my parents about tonight. Meet you inside," I say as Victoria nods and walks inside. I call up my mom and tell her about tonight's party and she says ok and says she will tell my dad. I hang up and walk inside. Victoria and I get dressed and head over to the beach party. To be honest, I'm very nervous. I'm not popular but because of my brother, I'm pretty well known. We arrive and I see people scattered everywhere. Both of us get out of the car and head over to where the party takes place. Well, here goes nothing.

Bruce spots us and starts heading our direction. "Welcome to my amazing party." he says with a wide smile.

"Thanks," Victoria and I say say at the same time. Dylan and Aaron come over to join the conversation.

"Well, if it isn't my beautiful girlfriend and her pretty BFF," Dylan says.

"Hey, hey. Don't get started with the PDA, bro," Bruce says jokingly. During the whole conversation, Victoria and Aaron try not to make eye contact with each other. I sigh and excuse myself to go get a drink. As I pour punch in my cup, a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and a husky voice whispers into my ear, "Hello."

I turn to see Derek. "Oh! Uh Derek! Didn't see you there..." I say as I try to squirm out of his grip.

"Babe, don't struggle. I wanna hold you."

"Derek, I have a boyfriend."

"Well it doen't matter to me because I like-" Derek stiffens and releases me. 

"You like what?" I question him.

"Uh, it's nothing," He says as he scratches the back of his neck. I shrug it off and try to enjoy the rest of the night.

After some time, I was sitting on the sand looking up at the stars. Derek came up to me and sat beside me. "Sup," he said with a head bob. "Enjoying tonight?"

"Yeah, you?" I say.

"Yup. It's actually better with you here," he states. I was surprised with his remark and blushed a deep shade of red. Good thing it was dark out. The moon, stars, and the bond fire were practically our only source of light. 

Before the silence became even more awkward Derek said, "Hey, you wanna go swim for a bit?" I nod and Derek and I take off our cover up clothes and throw them onto the sand. Both of us glance at each other. Damn...That six pack...

"You look hot," Derek says smirking.

"Thanks. I wish I can say the same."

"What do you mean? I look like a frickin' hot god!" he chuckles as he points up and down at his body.

"In your dreams, noodle arms," I say rolling my eyes.

"What did you say?" Derek says taking a step closer.

"You heard me. There's no need to repeat." As I finish talking, Derek picks me up bridal style. My eyes widen as he starts walking toward the water. "N-no...Derek s-stop right now," I say terrified at what will happen next.

Derek just smirks and winks at me. "Payback's a bitch," he says before throwing me into the freeing water.

"Oh you did not just do that," I say furiously.

"Oh but I did," Derek says smirking.

"It's on, bad boy," I say. That's when the war began.

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