Ask 19

866 29 34

@Wolfplaysmusic asks, "Hey um David who do you like? Also would you adopt Max?"

(( Its sunset/night right now where the campers and David are ))

David: I'm just not interested in a relationship right now. It's already a hand-full with the campers, and it wouldn't be fair to them if I didn't give them the experience this camp guarantees because I was off with someone else.

Max: *whispers* yes it would

David: Though, I can tell you one thing! When I'm ready to start dating again, I wouldn't mind being with a guy, a girl, or anything in between. I do lean towards girls a lot, but ultimately it comes down to personality.

Nikki: Bonquisha was such a fool to let you go!

David: Haha, thanks Nikki. Now, as for the adoption thing...that really isn't my place. Of course, if he needed it, I would. I do want Max to be happy and cared for, but I've never met his parents, so I can't make a judgment on it. And it would be hard on everybody in legal terms. But I am here for him, if he ever needs it.

Max: David...

David: Max? What is it? Wait...are you crying? *crouches down to his level* What's—

Max: *lunges at him and hugs him for a few seconds, then lets go* Don't tell anyone about this.

David: I promise. Max, maybe you should take it easy for the rest of the night. Go back to your tent, you won't miss too much anyway. You can always come join us if you want, but I think you need at least a small break.

Max: *nods and goes to his tent*

David: Wait, Max, one more thing.

Max: *turns around*

David: *puts his hands in a heart-shape* Everything will be okay, I promise.

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