Ask 25 (Dare!)

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Max: Even though it's a dare, we're keeping the title format the same so I can keep my sanity. Anyway, onto the ask--or, well, dare.

@Samtheskele246 says, "Ok, I dare everyone to hug each other, whether you like it or not, and no threatening at all!!!"

Nikki: That's gonna be a lot of chaos...oh, I have an idea! How about we all choose one person to hug! Or, even better, I'll choose who hugs who!

Max: Oh, god. Please save me...

Nikki: Okay, let's see...Neil and Space Kid!

Neil: Really, Nikki? God, please tell me you're joking!

Space Kid: Aw, c'mon, Neil! It won't be that long anyway.

Neil: *grumbles* Fine...

Space Kid: *hugs Neil*

Neil: *pats*

Nikki: See, that wasn't so hard! Now...Harrison and Nerris!

Nerris: Nikki I trusted you!

Harrison: Ugh! Let's just get this over with!

Nerris: Agreed!

*they hug*

Nerris: Ew, magical boy germs.

Harrison: Shut up!

Nikki: Preston and Max!

Max: You've got to be kidding me!

Preston: Um...

Max: Just hurry this up!

Preston: Fine! *hugs Max*

Max: Ugh...

Nikki: Now, Nurf and Dolf, I guess?

Nurf: Could've been worse.

Dolf: Yes, I am fine with this.

*they hug*

Dolf: I never realized how tall you were!

Max: Everyone is tall compared to you!

Nikki: Okay, I guess that just leaves...Me and...Ered.

Ered: Cool. C'mere, Nik.

Nikki: *walks up to her*

Ered: *hugs Nikki*

Nikki: *squeals*

Ered: Haha, are you okay?

Nikki: I've never been better!

Preston: It's a match made in Heaven!

Max: More like Hell.

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