Chapter 2

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A roughly shaved man in house-servants clothes led a dirty, weakly looking boy down a narrow street. The buildings on either side were simple, two-storey buildings, built from wood and mud-brick. If anyone was to look twice at the small procession, it would appear odd, but everyone they met was too preoccupied to give them any more than a moments thought. The boy's eyes were filled with wonder, looking at the unkempt, stone-paved street. To Jethro, who had only seen the dirt floors and splintered wooden walls of his factory, each building looked like an individual palace. It excited him, but it also scared him. He couldn't stop thinking about how much it was a terrible idea, and he couldn't stop thinking how wonderful the outside world was. The conflict inside of him was an awful, beautiful thing. He couldn't help but stare at a passing woman, wearing a brilliant mustard dress, made of soft-looking materials. He hadn't seen a woman for 7 years, since he came to work at the factory. He hadn't realised how beautiful they could be, but it might have been this woman in particular. His staring caught her attention though, which earned him a disapproving scowl. He kept his head down from then on, intent on attracting no one else's attention. Bardon led him around a corner into an even narrower alleyway, filled with all kinds of refuse. They stepped around a few piles of rubbish, and over a few sleeping boys, reaching a doorway on the right. Bardon pulled out another gemstone, this one a yellow brown colour. He held it up to be about an inch from the door handle, and there sounded a 'click'. He then turned the door handle, pushing the wooden panel on its creaking hinges, to reveal a large, dimly lit room. It contained a table, with six seats, a small cooking area, and another desk, presumably for study. It was around noon, but the lack of windows made a requirement for wall-fixed lamps of some sort. Jethro guessed they were based on the same principle as the crystal Bardon had shown him. There was a middle-aged man sitting at the table, reading a book. He didn't even spare a look for the arriving pair, just waving a hand to acknowledge their presence.

"Where's Aron?" Bardon asked the man.

"Upstairs," he replied.

Bardon took a step towards the stairs, but stopped himself, turning to look down at Jethro.

"That's Tefton," Bardon explained. He smiled, then added, in a hushed tone, "He's a bit of a grump."

"I heard that." said Tefton.

"I know," said Bardon, beaming twice as widely. Jethro couldn't help but smile a little.

"This, Teft, is Kai," said Bardon.

"My name is Jethro," Jethro claimed, smile instantly wiped off of his face.

"Greetings, nice to meet you, salutations, goodbye," Tefton said, obviously trying to focus on his book. Jethro wasn't sure if the man was truly anti-social, or if it would only last as long as his book did. In truth, Jethro had never seen a book as big as that one, but the last time he had seen a book was when one had been read to him as a child. It had not been awfully interesting, and all he could remember was that it was about the Nine Gods, and their great power.

Bardon started his way towards a door on the other side of the room. Opening it revealed a set of stairs. Jethro made sure to keep close behind Bardon. The stairs took two turns on the way up, and lead to a hallway. The hallway had 6 doors, and from the doors that he could see open, they all seemed to lead to similarly sized rooms. The rooms each had a wall fixed lamp, a small, short table, and what appeared to Jethro to be a rectangular table, or something of the like, with many large pieces of fabric draped over their top. Jethro didn't feel confident enough to ask what it was. Bardon led him to the room at the end. He opened the door, and gestured for Jethro to enter. Once he entered the room, there stood in front of Jethro a broad-shouldered, smiling man. He was a little taller than Bardon.

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