John and Mary Part 1: Trust

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(Narrator's P.O.V.)

Blonde, wavy, short hair. Doughy, wide, blue eyes.
Rosy, cheerful, bright face.
Intelligent, witty, complicated mind.

These were John's favourite aspects of Mary Morstan. Her beauty and her brains. However, there was a lot about her he didn't know. She knew so much about him and his past; whereas he knew barely anything about her and her past. He wondered if she was hiding something. Something dark. Something deep. Something dangerous.

Or, she was simply a very shy woman who was insecure and had trust issues. Another possibility could be that she was a very caring woman who had focused her energy on John instead of being self centred. She could just be good with making conversations not about her personal life. John could just always talk about himself and act a little arrogant.

Although all of these possibilities were very likely; John just couldn't stop thinking that Mary Morstan had secrets she was hiding. And not ones that were simple or just mildly embarrassing. Ones that could make John never want to see her again and forget that he ever knew her.


Mary knew near everything about John Watson. The fact that his middle name was Hamish; that his sister was two years three months and eleven days his elder; the fact that he still read through newspapers looking for interesting cases even though Sherlock had died nearly two years ago; and that he still loved his friend. She knew deep down that she was just filling the void that Sherlock had created.

However, she didn't care. For once in her life, she was wanted. For once in her life, she was completely normal. For once in her life, she was loved by someone. Even though John loved her more like a friend, she wanted an ordinary life. He was offering that. And if she had to pretend to love him (as he was with her) to have an ordinary life, then that was what she had to do.


Both were pretending to love one another for reasons of their own.

John needed someone to fill the gap Sherlock left when he died; someone caring and understanding.

Mary needed someone to have a normal life with- preferably a person she had common interests with.

So they had chose each other for a bond that was not quite friendship but not quite true love either. It was trust.

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