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Ema starred at her cell phone, confusion filling her mind. Her father had just called her to tell her she was to care for her sick aunt for three months.

That would take all summer! But she didn't want to just ignore a sick loved one...

On the other hand there were her brothers she needed to care for. She was sure they would be fine without her, but they all were busy this summer as well and she needed to be there to help out.

She let out a sigh of frustration as she shoved her cell phone into her skirt pocket.

Today had been the last day of school before summer vacation and Papa needed her to leave tomorrow.

"Chi what's wrong?" Asked a curious Juli who was now perched on her shoulder. He seemed to have a mixture of confusion and concern in his voice.

"I'll tell you later Juli," Ema muttered, standing in the middle of the kitchen trying to resolve the conflict in her head.

"Ema, are you ok..?" Asked a deep voice. Ema looked up to see Ukyo entering the kitchen. She forced a smile and gave her best effort to act as if nothing was wrong.

"I'm fine, Ukyo. But thank you for asking.."

She would have to resolve this somewhere else where none of her brothers would find her.

"Ema, I was wondering if you would mind running to the store to pick up a few groceries. I hope it's not asking you too much..," asked Ukyo, a gentle smile on his face as he fixed his apron.

"No no I wouldn't mind at all!" Ema exclaimed. This would be her chance to escape and think.

"I'm going with Chi!" Exclaimed Juli, crossing his little arms.


"So that's what happened?" Asked Juli. He rested against Ema's neck. "Yes, I don't know what to do now Juli..," replied Ema sadly, holding the groceries close.

"I think Chi should go be with her aunt. She would be safer there then here with these wolves! I will also go to protect Chi-.. Chi, what's wrong?"

Ema had dropped the bags and her eyes had widened. She stared at the girl in front of her. Juli also did confused.

The girl had long straightened hair which cascaded down her back and was the same color and length as Ema's. The girl wore a light blue summer dress which had white flowers on it and had on a white long sleeved jacket that only went past her chest.

She was showing a man a picture of something. She asked the man a question and in response he shook his head no and walked away. She sighed sadly then turned towards Ema.

"Hello! Have you seen this-," she stopped staring at Ema. The two girls now stared at each other in silence. "Wow! Chi she looks just like you!" Exclaimed Juli.

The girl jumped shocked, "did... Did that squirrel just talk..?!" Ema's jaw dropped, "you can understand Juli too?" The girl nodded a little embarrassed at herself.

"Yes I-... I don't know...," she muttered staring at the ground. Ema remained silent for a moment then said bowing, "hello.. I'm Ema Hinata."

The girl jumped up even more embarrassed then bowed, "hello... I-I'm Yuki Kazaki.. I apologize for not introducing myself earlier..!"

Both girls raised from their bows and starred at each other for a moment. "This is.. Weird..., " spoke Ema. "We're like... Twins..," said Yuki finishing Ema's sentence. They starred at each other once more before braking into a laughing fit.


The two girls sat on a bench in front of the lake talking and laughing. "Your trying to tell me... That he actually punched him?!" Yuki gasped trying to he back laughter. Although Ema hadn't thought it was funny at the time it happened, hearing Yuki laugh made her feel a bit more comfortable about finding it funny now.

Ema smiled at Yuki before curiosity over came her and forced her to ask, "so why are you here?"

"What?" Asked Yuki, her laughter stopping and her smile fading along with her eyebrow raising.

Ema quickly answered, "I mean I've never seen you around here before!"

Yuki smiled slightly her eyes filling with sadness. "Yeah... I'm actually here looking for a man. I can't remember his name.. All I know is it starts with an r."

Ema stayed quiet noticing the sadness in her new friends eyes and she felt as if she could feel her sadness. She finally spoke, "Yuki..., is something wrong..?"

Yuki sighed starring at the around below her, then shut her eyes. "The reason I'm looking for this man is because he's actually my father... I had been living with my aunt for the past 11 years under the assumption she was my mother.

"But she has grew very ill and has sent me to go live with my father as a guardian. She had very little knowledge on him. All she could tell me was where he lived and a picture. She had told me his name but I have the worst memory when it comes to names.."

Yuki smiled a little at Ema who was holding back tears. She felt so bad for Yuki then got a great idea. "Yuki! Why don't I help you look for you father?"

Yuki's jaw dropped and eyes widened, "really? You would do that... For me?"

Ema nodded smiling, "of course I would!" Yuki smiled a little looking back at the ground, "I appreciate it but... I can't ask you to do something like that for me...."

Ema frowned then another idea sparked in her mind, "what if you do me a favor and I'll help you find your dad!"

Yuki looked back at Ema, "a... favor?" Ema nodded, "my aunt is sick and I have to go and care for her over the summer. But I also need to care for my brothers during that time. You already know a lot about them and perhaps you could take my place while I'm gone..? And when I get back we'll look for your dad..?"

Yuki gasped, "but wouldn't they be able to tell the difference?!"

"Can you?" Ema asked playfully. The girls examined each other for a moment.

"We'll you are a bit curvier and your breasts are a little bit bigger.. But we can say I've just started to mature!"

Yuki blushed and quickly crossed her arms over her chest, "what about our personalties?"

Ema wasn't listening to her and was examining Yuki's face. "Perfect!" Yuki looked at Ema confused, "p-perfect..?"

Before Yuki knew what was happening Ema had took her hair down and put Yuki's hair in a side ponytail. Ema gasped, "I feel like I'm looking in a mirror!"

Yuki's eyes widened, "really?!" Ema pulled out her phone and took a picture of Yuki, then showed it too her.

Yuki gasped, "I look just like you!" She looked up at Ema, "do you think.. We could really pull this off?"

Ema nodded excitedly, "yes! And I have a feeling this will be fun!" Yuki grinned, "let the games begin then!"

The two girls laughed and decided they were officially switching Yuki to Ema for the summer.


HEYY so that's the prologue lol it took me forever and I know it was boring :'(

But I promise to make it more interesting from now on! Lol!

The rest of the story will mainly be in Yuki's point of view

Well I'm not really expecting many people to read this and it's hard to do since I mainly do it on my stupid iPod 4gen -.-

So if my grammar and spelling suck I'm sorry every now and then Im able to get on the cp and edit :D

Idk who Yuki should be with in the end :( if anyone is reading this could you comment who and help me pick which brothers to have more romantic "encounters" with? Lol

Thanks for reading and bai!! .




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