Fire & Ice (14)

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Aditya's POV-

I bit my tounge to stop another shout from escaping my lips as I felt the whip hit my back again for the fourth time, blood dripped from my lip as a fist hit my cheek again, then I was on the floor, blood landing by my side.

"I will beat this information out of you" I felt a boot kicked into my abdomen again

"Let me see her, let me see Zoya, then" I gasped out, my eyes fighting to stay open, my body wracked with pain

The man huffed "Bring the girl"

I rolled onto my back, groaning in pain at the cold ground on my bleeding back "If she's hurt in anyway, ill kill you all"

"In that state, I doubt it" the man spat, jumping onto my ribs before walking out the door

I could feel my ribs were broken, breathing felt impossible through the extreme pain, it would atleast take a day to find Zoya, I just needed to stay alive until then, I had to say goodbye


"Now now girl, shh, you're about to meet the most dangerous man out there, and he's injured so he isnt in a good mood, take my advice and keep your mouth shut"

I looked up into the darkness as a woman screamed as she landed on the floor, it must have been some other enemy they wanted to destroy. Shuffling slightly I tipped my head up against the wall, eyes closed, trying to breathe through the pain

"Ya Allah, ya Allah, please save me" I heard her whisper under her breath

I rolled my eyes, fidgeting constantly to find a position that hurt less, I could hear her rocking backwards and forwards "Can't you sit still" I rapsed out, my voice unfamilar to my own ears due to the pain

The woman let out a scared sob "S-s-s"

"Spit it out" I grumbled

"Sorry, im sorry" she sobbed again

I shuffled forward, letting out a pained shout as my back scratched against the wall

"Are you okay" she sniffed, her voice quite

My brow raised slightly, whoever the woman was, she didnt seem like she should be here, I felt around for the light switch as I stood up, I pushed against it only to look over at the woman to see she had her hands covering her face "Move your hands" I limped forward

She shook her head

I bent down, tugging at one of her hands "I said, move your hands" I succeeded in pulling one down, guilt washed over me at my tone as I fell to my knees "Habibti"

Zoya pulled her hand away, her eyes opened "Aditya, oh my god, you're okay" she wrapped her arms around me only to try and pull back when she saw I was in pain

"No, don't pull away" I held her tighter to me

She pulled her head back "What have they done to you" tears flew down her cheeks "Oh Aditya" she cupped my cheek

I closed my eyes, leaning into her touch "You have to know, I didnt just leave, I wouldn't just leave" I promised, though I wasn't sure if she believed me

"That's okay, it doesn't matter, I, I got your gift, thank you, but I dont understand why"

"It means no one will hurt you when im gone, its in all the rules, you're safe now"

"Gone, what, don't talk like that, we're going to get out of here" she forced me to look at her "Please don't give up Aditya"

I looked up as the door swung open "Times up, you gonna tell us what we want to know now"

I sighed "The" I paused as I saw the scratch on her arm "Zoya, your arm"

Zoya glanced down at it "Oh when I hit the floor" she let out a screech as she was pulled behind me

I stormed forward grabbing the man by the throat "What did I say, what did I say about hurting her" my blood was boiling, all I could see was red as I punched the man again and again, not giving him a chance to fight back

"Aditya, Aditya stop you're killing him" Zoya screamed at me, her eyes teary as she tugged me away

I grabbed her hand, not wanting to wait any longer I pulled her out of the room with me only to see three men with guns pointed our way, I held one gun, shoving my foot forward into one of their stomachs so he toppled back down the stairs, I felt my back hit the bannister as one man shot at me, the bullet missing my shoulder by an inch, I yanked him forward, throwing him over the railings

Zoya stood, jaw dropped "Aditya"

I grabbed the other man, knocking him out as I banged his head into the wall, then grabbed her hand again as we ran down the stairs, finally reaching outside I smashed one of the car windows "Get in"

She watched as I hotwired the car, then tapped my shoulder "Uh, ill drive"

I nodded, sitting in the passenger seat, watching her closely as she drove, her whole body shaking as she did so. The fear clear in her eyes, I knew I had made a mistake, this world wasn't made for angels like her.

It wasn't long before we reached her home, she got out first, wrapped an arm around my waist and helped me out of the car, walking me up the road

"Zoya, you know, I can't stay here right, it isn't safe"

"I know" she whispered "Just let me clean you up first" she sat me inside, wrapping some frozen peas in a towel "Hold that on your ribs"

I scrunched up my face in pure agony at the cold on my ribs, watching as she began to clean up my face, tears rolling down her face the whole time. "Habibti" I spoke, hoping to calm her down but this only seemed to make her cry more

"You could have killed those men, when I got thrown in that room with you, they said you were the most dangerous man, yet none of that bothers me as much as the thought of you leaving me again and I dont want to feel like this, I dont want to like you" she sobbed, bowing her head

"Im so sorry habibti, I really am" I went to tuck her hair behind her ear but she flinched "Are you scared of me"

Her eyes were watery, her stare so full of innocence "I need to clean your back" she turned me around so I sat facing away from her and began to clean up the blood

"Zoya, please just answer the question"

"I just need to wrap it up" she whispered

I waited till she was done before turning, pulling her onto my lap "I asked you a question, are you scared of me" but the look on her face was enough for me to know the answer without her even needing to speak

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