whats the plan?

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                     " I don't know about this" I rolled my eyes looking at my self in the rear view mirror fixing my hair

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" I don't know about this"
I rolled my eyes looking at my self in the rear view mirror fixing my hair. I was getting so fuckin tired of Dakota complaining.we went over the plan a million times and did not once have a problem with it until tonight
"'kota, chill out boo this is just a little payback." I smiled turning around in the driver's seat.
The car got quiet when they seen tall dark skin girl, with pink hair, walking to the car.
"Look kameron,There's your bestfriend " Nova teased.
"That bitch is not my friend "
I turned the car on , and rolled my eyes again getting annoyed by the looks of her.
Destiny used to be my best friend actually like a sister to me ,but that was up until she fucked my boyfriend in the back of his truck two nights ago. The funny part is she didn't even tell me I had to find out by nova's brother, and she still didn't she doesnt even know that I know but tonight  she was gonna get everything coming to her.
"Hey bitches ! " she screamed opening the the passenger door.
Nova didn't say anything, me and the other three girls played it off and screamed back giving our usual extra loud ass greetings.
The drive wasn't far but it was so fuckin nerve racking I couldn't even stand the sight of this girl apart of me wanted to stop the car and whoop her ass.
Once we got to the destination the other girls got out but Destiny made sure it was just us left.
"Kameron ... Can we talk?"
"Girl , we can talk later but for right now save that energy ... Your gonna need it." I laughed taking my keys out the ignition.
Meeting up with the other girls Rashawn came running out the house with the rest of his friends, being the typical wild and loud ass college football players
Me and ray' never been cool like that because of the snake nigga that he is but he was a special peice of my plan
"What's up baby girl "
He walked up to me hugging me tight, the smell of liqour and weed stung my eyes
Sliding his hands down my back grabbing my ass he whisperd in my ear.
"Eww" I gagged pushing him off. That was another reason I couldn't stand him he was a fuckin pig , he fucked any and everybody.
"Just stick to the plan "
He winked and led me inside with the rest. I ain't never been to his crib it looked nice but it felt so off, there was 10 other boys just starring at us like we were pieces off meat. Licking their lips and whispering to each other they were practically undressing us with their eyes.
It  didn't take long for my girls to snap out of it and  get loose once the music started and blunt started getting passed.
Taking my shot of hypnotic to the head i nodded my head at Rashawn signalling him to put the plan in play.
Soon as he took destiny's hand and started leading her to the back room, me and the girls all looked at each other smirking... all except Dakota. She just stood in the same spot not talking to anybody taking all of her shots to the head like she wanted to forget something.
Dancing and grinding on one of the boys I waved my finger at Riley motioning her to come over.
"What's up.?"
I leaned in closer so she could hear me, making sure noone else heard me.
"Ion know about 'kota being here right now, Take my keys and take her to the store with you ." I winked.
Receiving my sneaky message she did so.
It felt good knowing destiny was gonna get her consequences but something still didn't feel right two of the boys went into the back room and another one turned the music up louder till the point where people couldnt even hear their self talk.
But it was just something crawling through my skin something just wasn't right destiny was gone for over 30minutes.
"Where's the bathroom ! " I yelled at one of the boys trying to get through the music.
He pointed down the hallway and started rushing through the small crowd, with more of the liqour smell stinging in my eyes.
The closer I got to the other end of the hallway the louder the indistinct voices got. Ray' came out of a room with the lights turned off sweating, and a red stain on his shirt.
"Where's destiny ?"
"I'll take her home " he said breathing heavily
"Okay but where is she."
He didn't respond he tried to shut the door but I pushed it back open. Brushing past him I felt around  for a light switch then turned it on.
Falling to my knees , and holding my chest I screamed the loudest I could.
Destiny was slumped in a bed with half of her body covers in bloody sheets.
I could hear the music stopped and the girls ran to the back room. Sobbing covering their mouths we stood there looking at her lifeless.
"Oh my God!" 'kota pushed through the crowd running over to her.
The other two boys I seen earlier we're fixing their pants walking past us leaving out of the house.
I rushed over to Ray punching and swinging at him.
"What did you do, that wasn't part of the plan " I screamed at him while riley wrapped her arms around me holding me back.
Crying hysterically trying to get the words out.
"Why'd you do that to ha'?"
After Dakota took her pulse she shut her eyes tight and wrapped her self around her body.
"She's, dead."
The other girls didn't say anything they just continued to cry regretting the moment we stepped foot in this house.
I didn't want this to happen this wasn't apart of the plan ! He was only supposed to scare the bitch up , while I was planning for a little revenge they were planning their own little sick game.
I was too young to go to fuckin fuckin all of us were. I grabbed kota's arm pulling her off the bed and running towards the door.
"We gotta go ! "
We grabbed our purses and ran out the car.
"Okay everybody calm down."
I was trying to think of something quick and easy to remember.
Sitting my head on the steering wheel for a few seconds I lifted my head and started the car pulling out of the driveway.
"Okay , look we gotta act normal we go to our classes tomorrow and act normal ! We were never here right ? "
Trying to get their selves together they all agreed except for 'kota she didn't say anything she was in shock starring out the window with destiny's blood on her crop top.
"Dakota !" I yelled snapping her out of it. Starring at me with her eyes wide I asked her again to be sure.
"Right ?"

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