Chapter 5 - Me and My Pack

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Then I Woke up.

I saw a bright light a went for it.

I caught feeling of my fingers, which slowly spread to my feet,

my eyes were opening

I winced.

The bright light that was entering my eyes were fluorescent, I could tell because

1. It had this dim 'I lost 2 out of 3 bulbs' look on it

2. My eyes were finally open and I was in a room

The guest room of the Royal Moon Pack.


I sat up on what looks to be a bed.

It is well made and is covered with a orange, pink and yellow sun set scene.

I Look around and see no one in sight, so I decide to stand up and walk to the closet.


All the clothes we bought for me are in here..

I decide to change before breakfast and put on a short sleeve grey t-shirt, jean shorts, a jean jacket and grey volleys.

I walk out of my room quietly so no one hears me and close my door gently behind me, as I close my door I notice something ingraved into it 'Sophia, the one and only'.

'That's odd'

I glance over at all the rooms and realise each door has a special engravement on them, with a different piece of words.

Each engravement is also made with a special material and has a different pattern surrounding it.

'So Beautiful'

mine is the only door without a pattern, I wonder why that is..

I head down stairs and walk over to the kitchen.

It's empty

I guess no one is awake at the moment,

I check the clock and realise it is 7:00am

No wonder, no ones awake it's so early!

I walk up to the pantry and grab a box of cereal and some milk from the fridge,

Low fat, just how I like it.

Just as I sit down I hear foot steps coming towards the kitchen and then I realise,

this isn't my home and I just walked into the kitchen and got my breakfast

- no permission -

This is the first time I've ever felt at home and comfortable without being hit shortly after.

Just then the kitchen door opens slowly revealing Xavier.

he looks up at me and smiles,

I return the smile

"Morning" Xavier says, following a yawn 'obviously still tired' I think to myself

"You know I can hear you right? You know...your thoughts." He smiles at me.

"Oh, morning" I say while blushing

he chuckles "your so cute when your blushing"

I smile back awkwardly

"So.." He says trying to break my silence

"Stop making this awkward.." I whisper to him

He smirks "ok, how about we play 20 questions?"


"I'll start" he offers

I nod in agreement

"ok, what's your favourite colour?"

"Blue" then I ask "what's yours?"

"Blue and Black"

"What's your favourite sport?" I ask

"Football, basketball and soccer." then he adds "what's yours?"

"Soccer, rock climbing (if that's a sport) and Anything to do with running" I smile

Then we spend the next hour talking to each other and playing 20 questions.


An hour later.

Crystal, Jake, Zean, Bianca all walk in.

Tired and in their PJ's.

Xavier "hey guys"

for his reply there were tired mumbles of



"go away"

"I'm going back to bed"

Then I end up giggling and saying "you guys must be really tired"

the replies I got were

"hey Sophia"

"Wow, Sophia.. You look nice"

"I didn't mean you go away.. "

"I'll stay here for a little bit"

Me and Xavier laugh together.

"Wow, and you've already changed humanity the first day here." Xavier replies to me

"Yes I have, next we micro chip their brains to make them do our chores!" I said with an evil laugh

Then Everyone started laughing all together and this woke them up.

"You- are-- so- so- " Bianca couldn't finish her sentence.. She was laughing too hard.


After the laugh an hour.

We are in the tv room. About to start our meeting.

"Today's business is about Sophia." Xavier said loudly

"ok, first.. Why is there only 6 people in the pack??" I looked at them intently

"Well, this is going to be a long story.. Anyone want to tell it?" Xavier said

No one put their hand up.

Then he puffed "fine"

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