The Trial

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Lucinda's P.O.V

I woke up next to Maddy she was sleeping next to me. I didn't want to wake her she was sleeping so soundly. She looked like a angel. 

"Lucinda?" she said when she woke up.

"Yea?" I asked

"Today's the big day right?" She asked

"Yes today is the day of the trial against my father." I said

"Are you scared?" She asked

"Yes I don't want him in jail." I said

"Why?" She asked

"Cause he's the only parent I have left." I said

"But he abused you." She said.

"But I forgive him. It's just to get back at me for killing mom." I said

"Your sister said you didn't kill your mom." she said.

"Want to hear the story so you can decide for yourself?" I asked

"Yea." She said.

"Well dad was out buying roses for mom for mothers day and Cid was in her room reading. I decided that I wanted to make breakfast in bed for mom and I thought I could make it myself."

"You were only seven." She said

"Yea but that doesn't mean that I wasn't stupid at such a young age." I said "Anyway I caught a towel on fire and it spread from that to the counter I didn't know what to do. Cid smelt smoke and ran to me. She grabbed me and pulled me out of the house. My mother was still sleeping. Cid tried to get her out but she couldn't her chest is burned and i'm sure that she still has scars from it. A fire man goes in and pulls her out and they run in to save my mother but they were to late. My dad came home with the roses and he watched the house fall to the ground." 

"Oh baby." she said and kissed me.

"Anyway my dad bought a new house the broken down one we're living in now. He started drinking but he wasn't abusing ether. Then I told my sister to come out and she did and he said that he couldn't have a daughter like that and disowned her. She left to live with her girlfriend and left me with dad. Losing both his wife and daughter made him abusive. That's why I forgive him cause I killed mom and lost his daughter." I said almost in tears.

She kissed me and said "It's not your fault both things were out of your control."

That's when a doctor came in with a wheelchair.

"Time for you to go to the trial." she said

"Ok." I said sitting up. Maddy got off the bed and they put me in the wheelchair. They then put me in the ambulance and brought me to the trial. Judge Tips was the judge for this trial. 

"All rise for the judge." the officer said

I tried to rise but Maddy forced me to remain sitting. The judge took her seat.

The trial started then it was my turn to approach the bench. Maddy pushed me up to it and sat back down.

"You are Lucinda Claw are you not?" the lawyer asked 

"Yes that is my name." I said

"What are your bruises from?" She asked

I remained silent.

"Lucinda this is for your own good." The lawyer said "Where are the bruises from?" 

I still remained silent.

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