| A Machine |

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After the deviants gained free will, things were unstable for a long while until most Androids were treated with respect compared to before. Connor and Hank didn't get much crazy Android reports or human ones. That was until Connor stumbled onto someone... Different.

Connor's POV
Since I became deviant, I was able to experience emotions. Because of this, I was able to become a understanding friend for lieutenant Hank... I have a feeling that he needs to stop drinking.

"CoNnOrrRrr!" Hank roaws, waving a bottle of whisky around as he slouched in the couch of a messy lounge room. "ConNeR! You're A bunny, Connor. A bunny sent from Cyber-ass!" He exclaims, laughing as he tilts his head back. I tilt my head, looking down at the drunk, old man before me.

"Lieutenant, I believe that it would be a safe decision to stop drinking and head to bed. It's currently 4:58pm and we have no cases at this moment. It's a perfect time to gain some well earned rest." I say, my hands behind my back as I slightly lean foward. Hank laughs as his arms fold behind his head. He attempts to stop his laughter but fails miserably as he ends up laughing again, laughing even more than before. I tilt my head down, shaking my head but unable to stop my smile growing on my lips. Despite humans and androids difference, laughter is always contagious. "I'm going to go get some stuff for your soon-to-be hang over. I'll be back!" I walk towards the door, leaving through it, not knowing what waits beyond.

I wait in line within the chemistry. My hand holding onto a small white box as I step closer into the cash-out. With each step, I feel my blood pumping more than usual, my senses tingling slightly. With one last step, I look up at the employee of the cashier. Only to find a pair of e/c eyes and h/l h/c hair. I stare for a moment longer. Her smile is... forced as a small blinking light shines on her temple, an android.
Around her right forearm is a blue strap which matches her uniform. I found this strange, because of androids gaining rights and waking up, they basically stopped wearing the android uniform. I guess no one has awakened her. I place my hand on a white pad, my skin retracting, revealing the white metal beneath. Almost immediately, she replies in a monotone voice, "Identification verified." With that, she bends down, reaching for the needed item, muffled thumps of her hands grasping the box. She stands back up, a small white box of medicine in hand. She reaches it out for me to take, "here is your order, number 369. That will be $9.99." She smiles softly as she spoke. "Please confirm payment."

With some focus, my LED turns yellow, blinking. Followed by hers right after. "Payment confirmed." I state, still finding it strange on how someone is still a.. machine. "Transaction complete." I reach out to grab the item, my skin retracting once again to wake her up but she quickly pulls back. This shocked me, making my head tilt up, my eyes staring at her in confusion. "I do apologise, RK900. Though some of us just need to stay as a machine." She states, giving me an emotionless glare. I stare at her, questioning her motives on why she needs to stay a machine. She places the small box on the space in front of me. Her eyes not leaving mine, "I understand, goodbye." I smile, leaving the store, feeling her stare at the back of my head as I walk.

One thing is for sure, that is that I do not understand why she needs to be a machine. But despite her strange need to stay a machine, she's got me curious for her. Surely this will not be our last time meeting.

Yep, that's it. I just need the first one shot out and I will do WAAAYY better one shots after the first one. I hate writing the first one shot. Expect more, okay?

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