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Clary's POV

“Come here, Clary.” He said in his usual, seductive voice.

He stood three feet away from me, his eyes burning into mine. 

I was standing still, completely frozen at the sight in front of me.

Harry was shirtless, there were blood stains on his shirt which was fallen on the floor, and he held a thin knife in his hands.

 “Are you scared of me?” His lips formed into one of his signature smirks.


"You should be." 

The sound of a phone ringing woke me up. I rubbed my eyes, in an attempt to rub the memories of the nighmare away.

 “Hi mom. It’s early.” I yawned, glancing over my watch. Oh it isn’t. It’s 10am.

  “Hello honey! Just wanted to make sure if you were alright-“

 “I’m fine, I need to sleep. I’ll call when I wake up, I promise.” I hang up before she could protest.

 It took me a few minutes to realize that I was in my room. Where was Harry?

  I made a quick-run downstairs to check on him, But he wasn’t there.

 “Harry?” I called out.

  Did he leave a message?

 I shoved my phone out of my pocket and I saw that there were two text messages, from Harry.


From: Harry Styles

To: Clary Fray

Time: 2:30am.

You fell asleep while we were watching Star Wars. It was very rude of you, Clarissa. You’re going to have to set up another date.


From: Harry Styles

To: Clary Fray

Time: 2:32am.

You slept on the couch, so I took you to your room. I’ll see you tomorrow, I have a meeting at 9am. Sleep well, x




 My inner fangirl took charge.


 I wish I was awake.

 I still remember when it was my one and only dream, to have a picture clicked of him carrying me bridal style.

 “Dream.” My subconscious added.

I never had nightmares, and even if I did, none of them were as bad as this one.

Why would he want to kill me?

 “It’s just a nightmare. Calm down, Clary.” I promised myself.

 Better start taking sleeping pills again.

.I tried, I tried hard to go back to sleep. The terrifying sight of Harry in my dreams keeps flashing in front of my eyes, I can’t get it out of my head.

 I quickly texted him back.


To: Harry Styles.

From: Clary Fray.

Time: 10:15am.

 Hi, hope your meeting went well.x


 I called my mum back.

 “Weren’t you going back to sleep?” 

“I can’t sleep—nevermind. How are you?”

“We’re just fine! There’s some amazing news, Clary.”

 “And that is?”

 “YOUR BOOK IS GETTING PUBLISHED!” She screamed with excitement.

 “What?” I quickly ran towards my computer table, and searched for my journal.

 It was gone.

“Mom, I told you-“

 “Pearson is publishing it! We’re so happy, Clary!” I could hear my dad clapping from behind.

 “I told you not to interfere, mom. I wanted to do this on my own!" I screamed.

 “We’ll talk about this when we’re back. We’re coming tomorrow morning.” And with that, she hung up on me.

 I told them countless number of times to not interfere, but they just wouldn’t listen!

  “Clary, what are you-“  Ashley looked at me, and ten walked towards me, taking long strides.


 “Hey, they’re helping you.”  She tried calming me down.

 “Now everyone’s going to buy my book thinking he helped me. I never wanted this. I wanted to self-publish, and now they’ve gone to fucking Pearson.”

 “Woah, Pearson?”

 “Yeah.” I nod.

 They were one of the top ten publishers in the entire world, and I should be ecstatic that they’ve actually considered publishing my book, but I didn’t want it to happen so soon.

I was going to put it on an online forum, so see if anyone actually liked my book, and then, depending on the response I got, I’d publish.

Now this was going to be huge, I was going to become famous and everyone was going to think my dad helped me write the book, when I had written it.

 “See, Clary I really want to stay but I gotta go for a while, Mum has some—“

 “It’s alright. Go.” I nodded. I wanted to stay alone anyway.

 When Ashley left, I dialed the last number I thought I would.

 “Oh Clary, what a surprise.”

 “I’m really mad-“

 “At me? “ He asked, his voice raspy as ever. His voice were like orgasms to my ears.

They were eargasms.

 “No, my parents. They don’t understand—“

 “I’m coming over."

“Someone will see you, and that’s the last thing I want.” I frowned.

 “I’ll disguise myself. Don’t worry. I’ll get some lunch and be there in an hour.” He hung up and my heart fluttered at the thought of seeing him again.


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Those votes and comments mean the entire world to me, so Thank you if you read this!

Dedicated to Sprinkleofrainbows, thanks for asking, love!

I'll update as soon as I get 10 votes or more, bye~


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