Chapter 6 Saying Goodbye

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         It was Wednesday and I hadn't talked in four days. Matty thought I had caught a cold, but he soon found out I didn't. I listened as the teacher was talking about Shakespeare. I tired to be interested in it, but I kept feeling Blake staring at me. A pieced paper is slipped into my desk and I look to Blake, he nods at the paper. I open it Are you ok? was what written on it. I then write back yeah. I then hand it back to him.
         I got the paper back and on it said no your not. I can tell I roll my eyes.

If you could tell why did you ask?

Because it seemed like the nice thing to do.

So you do know how to be nice.

Low blow :(

That was nothing.


Blake then did give anything else to me. The bell ring and I hurried out of class. Why does anybody care I just need to get out of here I think to myself.
         Just then I bumped into someone and fell straight on my ass. "Oh I am so sorry" I heard a husky voice and looked up to see a Greek God in front of me. He was tanned perfectly and his black hair with blue eyes look amazing. He was very muscular and I am pretty sure he has an eight pack. "Did I die" I ask "I don't think so" he said chuckling and I blushed realizing I said that out loud. I then get up and start collecting my stuff "let me help" he said. He helps me collect my stuff and hand it to me.
         We both stand up and face each other "thanks" I say with a smile "no problem" he says. We then stand there awkwardly "oh where are my manners. I'm Owen Glass" he said "Cassie Davenport" I say shaking his hand. "Davenport? That name sounds familiar" he said and I frowned "didn't your parents die in a shooting of some sort" he asked. "Yes I was ten then" I tell him "oh I am so sorry" he says feeling back I shake my head "it's fine" I say. "No it's not I really am sorry. But it is good to see you" he said "you know me" I asked confused.
         "My mom worked in your kitchen. We use to play together all the time" he said and then it hit me like a truck. "Owen like as in Super O" I asked "the one and only" he said making a super hero pose. "Oh my god Owen" I say and hug him and he hugged me back tightly. "It's good to see you" I say tearing up a little "Super C it is always good to see me" he said very cocky "someone's become cocky" I say as we pull apart laughing. "Yeah and from what I can tell your still doing Karate and the other fighting classes" he points out "I go to the gym to work out and practice sometimes" I tell him.
         We both laugh "Cassie" I hear my name be called and I turned around to see Matty and the others. "Are you ok" asked Sarah "yeah I'm cool" I say "she's speaking again" cheered Cole hugging me. Just then I am torn away from them and hidden behind Owen "you know them" he asked I roll my eyes. "It's cool Owen, they are my friends" I tell him "if you say so" said Owen standing straight up. I then noticed he and Blake were both equal and height. Which meant Owen was at least a foot taller than me now. "Who the hell are you" asked Blake for some reason angry "I'm Owen" he said "as in Super O" I say to Matty and it clicks.
         "As in your first Love!" shout Matty and I punch his arm lightly "oow" he cried. "Wait I was your first love" asked Owen and I blushed lightly "yeah" I admit. Owen smiled at me and I just felt dazed by it. "Come on" someone said grabbing my wrist and I looked to see Blake pulls me away. "What the hell Blake" I say as we get to the parking lot "where are we going" I asked. "Just shut up" he growled and basically shoved me into his truck. Blake got in on the driver side and he pulled out of the high school parking lot. "Blake.Where.Are.We.Going" I asked getting very annoyed very fast with him. "You'll find out when we get there" he said swerving past a car scaring me a little.
         Blake drove for several hours and I was starting to get really board. I had texted Matty and told him Blake basically just kidnapped me. We had stopped to get drinks and food at one point as to release our bladders. But not for long and all I know so far is wherever Blake is taking me it's far away from home. I soon started to drift to sleep as Blake sang along with Hunter Hays song Wanted. I like the song to be honest and Blake had a nice singing voice that was soothing to listen to.

         "Cassie" I hear at one point I opened my eyes to see Blake staring at me with something in his eyes. But he moved up before I could recognize it. "We're here" he says and is it up to see a giant house in front of us. Wait! I know this house. I eat out of Blake's truck and then remembered "this use to be my home" I say tears filling my eyes. As I remember that night as if it just happened yesterday.
         "Come on" he said leading me somewhere and I followed we walked for a mile or so. When we came to head stones I walk up to the head stones and fall to my knees as I read them.
Peter Davenport                    Claire Davenport
     1986-2008                                1987-2008
          R.I.P.                                          R.I.P
  Beloved by all.                          Beloved by all.
Amazing Father.                     Caring Mother.
Lovable Husband                 One Fantastic Wife.

"Why am I here" I asked tears filling my eyes "you need to say Goodbye Cassie" Blake tells me. "You need to stop blaming yourself for their death. And you need to move on" he tells me. "But it is my fault they died" I tell him "how you were ten years old!" he shouted at me.
         A tear slipped down my cheek as I remembered "that night we were all playing games and having fun. When I saw a masked creeping up behind my dad" I admit "I was so scared that I couldn't say anything not a single word. He then shot my dad twelve times in the back. During that my mom picked me up and ran with me" I say. "She hide me in a closet and said don't come out. And I did as told. I then heard a gun go off another twelve times" I tell him. "If I had just spoken up they'd still be alive" I tell him as tears stream down my face.
         "Cassie your parents should have understood and they wouldn't have wanted you to live like this" Blake tells me and I nod. "I'll wait for you at the truck" and I hear him walk away from me and my parents. I then pull my knees to my chest once I know he's gone and sit there. I stare at their headstones rereading the words written on them.
         "I'm sorry" I finally say "I know I haven't become the perfect daughter. But Blake is right I can't do this to myself for the rest of my life. I will always be sorry for what I didn't do that night" I say in a whispered tone. "I know you wouldn't have hated me for this. But I hope with this I can move on" I tell them, I then stand up. "So I am going to move on. I will start visiting more" I tell them "I love you guys" I say and walk away.
         I get to Blake's truck to see him leaning against it. "You ok" he asked "yeah" I say and look to the house. I sigh "what am I going to do with this place" I ask myself "what do you mean" he asked confused. "When my parents died I also inherited this house along with everything else. My dad's company the cars here" I say "your parents trusted you a lot" he tells me. "Yeah" I say "is this house still in the school district limits" I ask "no" he said "hmm" I say. "Maybe. Nah. I can wait a couple more years" I say and walk over to the passengers side. "We're you thinking of moving here" he asked "yes actually. But I don't want to transfer school" I tell him.
         We both get into his truck "why because of  Super O" said Blake sounding very jealous "no" I say. I then lean over and kiss his cheek "because of you" I say and he blushes a little "and everyone else" I add in. "Right" he said looking away "it's already night we could spend the night here" I tell him. "It's along drive and I am pretty sure your tired" I say "nah I'll be fine" he says while yawning "yep we're staying here" I say getting out. Blake follows behind me and I go to my keys and pull out the key that unlocks the house.
         "I'm warning you know. You will be attacked" I tell him and he looks confused I then open the door. The house looked great everything clean and tidy just like it should be. "Everyone, I'm home" I called out into the quite house just then I heard barking turned to the dining and was tackled. My face was being licked by Star Gazer "I missed you too Star Gazer" I say laughing. I then stand up and out comes everyone "oh Cassie my dear your home" said Miss. Henderson hugging me. I greeted Miss. Snow, Mr. and Mrs. Stacks, also Mrs. Libs and Mr. O'Neil. Also the little ones Callie, Tray, and Lilly, they are all around seven years old.
         "Ooo Cassie, who is this" asked Mrs. Libs nudging me "this is my friend Blake" I say introducing him. "It's nice to meet you" he said smiling "what are you both doing here" asked Mr. Stacks. "Blake brought me here so I can finally let go of my parents death" I tell them "does that mean your moving back in" asked Mr. O'Neil "after this year of high school" I tell them and they cheer. "But Matty will be moving in and any of my other friends too" I tell them "finally this place will be lively again" said Miss. Snow. "Yes Miss. Snow it will be" I tell her and true genuine smile on my face. "Will you show him to his room" I asked Mr. Stacks "of course" he said and Blake followed Mr. Stacks to his room. I giggled as we all watch Mr. O'Neil interrogate Blake as they walked following Mr. Stacks.
         "He is such a catch" Mrs. Stacks says nudging me and I blush as they laugh at my blushing. I actually feel good now about being in this house, and being around all of them. I truly feel like I finally said Goodbye to my parents. For the first time in seven years.

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