Chapter 21 Sarah's Parents

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         The rest of the week went well. Everyone stopped trying to pick fights with on Wednesday. It's Friday and we are heading to a restaurant to meet with Sarah's parents. Gus and Blake tagged along since we're both pregnant and they know me.
         "You nervous" I asked her once we were parked in front of the restaurant "yes but I can do this" she tells me. I nod at her with a smile. We walk in to see Sarah's Mom just as nervous as Sarah. But her Dad looked very unhappy especially when he saw me. I smile at him and he looks away "bastard" I muttered under my breath. We all up to them and Sarah's Mom hugged Sarah tightly along with Gus. But Sarah's Dad didn't move a muscle; he really is getting on my nerves.
         We sit down and I can tell easily that Sarah is more relax and so is Gus. "Mom, Dad. I know the way things turned out last time weren't very great. But I would really like it if you would be in the babies life. And my life again" Sarah says and she did great. "Oh Sarah of course we want to be in yours and the babies life" Sarah's Mom says and I smile. But glare at the dad as he sits there angry. "Dad?" said Sarah looking at him with happiness "why didn't you just kill the damn thing!" he yelled.
I went to reach for this fuckers neck, but Gus and Blake pulled my down into my seat. "We called you to tell you we're getting a divorce! And it's all you and that damn babies fault!" he yelled and everyone was looking at us. "Can I hit him now" I ask though gritted teeth "use your words not your fists" Blake tells me. "Gladly" I say "you sir. Are the most incompetent man I have ever met! You have no right to say that your daughter or about that baby! If it's anybody's fault it's yours! So grow up and grow para balls and she's excepted!" I shout at him.
Everyone is clapping "Sarah's Mom. You are welcomed always. And I am glad you were leaving this excuse for a man" I tell her. She goes wide eyed and I get up "now if you excuse us. We have other people to go see! Also I don't want to go to jail for strangling a man" I say and storm off. Everyone is still clapping as I leave, so I'm guessing they all think he's a dick too. I get in the car cross my arms and wait for the others to come, so we can leave.
Gus, Sarah, and Blake come out ten minutes later, and once inside they burst out laughing. "Did you see his face" said Blake "oh it was so priceless" says Gus "I wish I took a picture" added Sarah. They all look to me as I am just staring "want to go home and eat ice cream" Blake asked. "Very Much!" I shouted and they laughed again as we pulled out. I called Matty and had him make sure everyone else would be there. So they can hear what happen also eat ice cream with me. Also so I can force them to watch Fast and Furious Seven with me.
I am at least glad that's over with. Now I have to deal with Nicolas... WHY ME!

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