Chapter 13 Moving Early

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         Gus and Sarah have recently moved into my house which now I call Our House. I have finally discovered I am no longer alone I have Owen, Zoey, Octavia, Zander, Gus, Sarah, Matty, Cole, and Blake. I have a family just like my old one. We all have decided right after we get our Exam scores we'd move and take the rest of school off. So we get a longer summer.
         Everyone that works for me is so excited about having a baby in the house. Also Sarah had her first Sonogram and found out she is five weeks along. Gus's Mom is super excited about being a Grandma and goes and visits Sarah and Gus every weekend. I think it's sweet, but Sarah says it can get annoying at times.
"I am so nervous" said Zoey next to me "let me guess you were so busy getting ready for the fight. You didn't study" I ask her. Zoey nods "I made an hour and half to study" said Octavia. "Shut up Octavia" Zoey growled "no fighting I'd hate to break that up" I say sarcastically and we laugh. "What you girls laughing about" asked Zander walking up to us "oh nothing" said Octavia as Zander pulled her back into him. Owen then kissed Zoey's cheek as he draped his arm over her shoulders. Blake being Blake wrapped his right arm around my waist.
"How did you boys do" I ask "we passed" said Owen "that's great" I tell them. "How about you girls" asked Blake "I passed" said Octavia "same" I say. "But someone is to afraid to look" I say "I bet you did great Zo" said Owen kissing her neck. "Alright I'll look" she says and flips the paper over "wow I did pass" she said. We all laughed at her reaction and she laughed along with us.
"Guys I got Sarah and Gus on FaceTime" says Matty walking over with his hand in Cole's. "Hi" said Sarah and Gus "hey Sarah" some of us say and the others say "hi Gus". "How's Star Gazer" I asked "waiting for your return" Sarah tells us. "Star Gazer day hi to Cassie" said Sarah and Star Gazer barked in response. "Hi Star Gazer. I'll be home tomorrow morning" I tell him as he barks at me still. "We got to go" said Gus "bye everyone" they say "bye" we wave and they end the call.
"Let's get out of here" said Cole tired of school "yes" we all say and get up from the table. We all walk to our cars and head to our places to finish packing.
Matty and I run up the stairs racing each other when we see someone at our door. "Can I help you" I asked "Cassie" the guy said standing up. I stop in my tracks as I recognize him "what do you want" I ask coldly "I want to apologize again" he said. "I forgives what else do you want" I ask "for us to retry and this time have our family" he said. "I have a boyfriend that I love to death. Please leave" I order "Cassie please" he said "leave Nicolas" I say with anger. "Alright I'll leave" he said and head down the stairs "come on Cas let's pack" Matty tells me.
We walk in and I feel ok again. "Come on Cas" said Matty and we ran to hurry and pack our clothes and other stuff. "Hey Cas everyone's coming later to help us finish off the Ice cream" Matty told me "ok" I said. "Why do we have so much ice cream again" I ask "because we love it" Matty shouted to me and I nodded in agreement.

1 hour later
"That's everything" I say as we sit on the kitchen floor with some ice cream and plastic spoons. "Cheers" we say and clang our spoons we start to eat the ice cream when the door opens. "Cassie" I hear Blake call "down here" I shout to him and he with Cole and the others joined us. "Ice creams up there" Matty says with a mouth full chocolate chip ice cream. "Why do you guys have so much ice cream" asked Zander "because we like it" I say. "I think the real question is how can they eat so much ice cream. But have awesome bodies" said Owen. Blake and Cole glared at Owen "easy boy" said Matty pulling Cole in between his legs.
Blake then sat next to me and pulled my legs over his. We then all sat in the floor eating ice cream and joking around with each other.

Next Morning
Matty and I woke up early we had the cars delivered yesterday after school. Sarah said they arrived at six in the morning and Gus took care of everything. Which I was very grateful for. "You ready to see how big Sarah is" said Matty, I laugh "Matty she is like two months along. She just have's a small lump" I tell him. "Still she's getting bigger" Matty said "don't tell her that" I tell him, we both then laugh. Then Matty and my favorite song came on Post To Be by Omarion, Chris Brown, and Jhene Aiko. We both sang along with it "Your chick come close to me she ain't going home where she's post to be".
We pull into the drive to find Sarah helping Miss. Snow with the gardening out front. We get out and hug them and I petted Star Gazer, who almost knocked me over. "Where's Gus" I asked "out with his mother" Sarah tells me and I laugh a little, but she smacked my shoulder stopping me. "Oh some guy showed up Cassie saying he wanted to see Molly or Colin's grave" said Miss. Snow "is he still here" I ask "he left a few minutes before you pulled in" she informed. "Next time he shows up while I'm gone. You inform me immediately" I tell her "yes ma'am" said Miss. Snow.
"Well I will text Gus and tell him you guys are here" Sarah tells us pulling her phone out. "Cassie, Matty" I hear and turn to see the little ones running at us, we hug them and have them help with the boxes. Everyone pitched in and as we were on the last four boxes. Blake, Connor, Zoey, and Cole pulled in.
I kiss Blake and Connor groans in disgust "get a room" "that's a great idea" said Blake and I smack his chest as he chuckles. Connor walks away trying not to throw up in the driveway. "Hey I have something to tell you later ok" I tell Blake "alright" he said a little confused. "Now let's get you moved in" I say I then walk to the back of the car to get some boxes. When I felt Blake hit my butt I turn to him and punch him in his arm and he rubs it. "Careful Blake" I tell him while walking away with a smile on my face.
Zander, Owen, and Octavia arrived later on and Gus arrived before them. So he got to help with their stuff; ha ha suckers. Blake and I are unpacking our stuff and I feel great. But I knew I had to tell him about Nicolas, and what happened exactly. I take a deep breath and turn around to Blake.
I wrap my arms around Blake's neck and hug him. Blake turns me around and kisses me softly. "I have something to tell you" I tell him pulling back "what is it" he asked bring his brows together. "The father of my baby recently started showing up at the apartment. And I found out when I arrived he showed up here to see the babies grave" I tell him "ok" he said confused. "But I don't like him or trust him. You see he is the one that almost beat me to death and had hospitalized for a year" I tell Blake.
I feel him tense and his hold on me tightens "Blake" I say "why did he do that" Blake asked. "He was drunk" I tell Blake frowning he then hugs me and whispers "I would never hurt you Cassie. And I won't let him" I felt a tear slip down my cheek as I smiled. We stayed hugging each other for a while and it felt perfect. Everything was right and I was actually letting Blake in so easily. Which was weird, but Matty tells me. It means I truly love him and I couldn't think of anyone else I'd love like this.
The next thing I know Blake and are making out and it was getting heated. Fast, but it felt right. And of course the moment was ruined by a knock on the door. "Cassie he's here again" I hear Miss. Snow say through the door. "Nicolas is here" I say "is that him" asked Blake and I nod. Blake was then out the door pulling me along "what's happening boo" asked Matty "Nicolas is here and Blake's pissed about it!" I shout "you told him?!" I hear Matty shout.
Once we're down stairs and Nicolas comes into view Blake drops my arm and hits Nicolas. "You Hit Your Own Girlfriend What The Hell Man!" Blake yells "Blake, Blake" I say pushing him away from Nicolas. "What do you want" I ask Nicolas turning to him "I us together again" Nicolas says. "Like hell" said Blake wrapping his arms around me protectively. "Nicolas I am having a restraining order put on you now leave" I tell him "but-" "get the hell out now!" I scream and Nicolas left.
Blake grumbles a few curse words then places his chin on my head. I sigh with relief "Cassie your shaking" Zoey pointed out I look to see I am shaking with... with fear. "Well he is the only person that can scare me" I say and Blake kisses my head and pets me to relax me. Nicolas will always be the one person I fear. No matter what.

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