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I was never one to initiate contact with others. I avoided the safe zone in Atlanta and the idiotic group that fired shots down town. I didn't go out of my way to help others and I didn't care. When you help another, you grow feelings—attachment, something that will get you killed in a world like this one.

So why did I go against my better judgement this afternoon? I was moving on from my camp spot, looking for another place to stay—never staying too long in one place like I had done in the city.

I thought that I had imagined the sound. That the faint whimpers of a cry was just my ears fucking with my head again. It was the unfamiliar sound of a cry—the sound of a human. My feet were silent as I placed one in front of the other, careful not to make a sound. I pulled my bow from around my body, loading it in front of me. I held my guard steadily as the sound grew closer. It wasn't until I saw a frail little girl, soaking wet and covered in mud that I eased up on the string of my bow. Her short hair was matted with mud along with her clothes. She was a small, skinny little thing that had tear streaks down her cheeks.

Before the girl was even aware of my presence, I relaxed my muscles letting my bow hang at my side. I turned on one foot, ready to walk the opposite direction of the human. Children were deadweight. They can't be counted on and they can't care for themselves, let alone protect themselves. Though I paused for a moment, the thoughts running through my head made me stop and think about if I were in her situation--or more like when I was in her situation. Sure, it wasn't the apocalypse when I was her age, but there was a time I was scared, alone, and helpless. 

I swallowed the lump that had grown at just the thought of that time in my life. He saved me and now was my chance to save her. The only way this child was going to survive this world is if she is taught how to. My feet turned and walked back to the girl, not caring about where I stepped.

Her crying stopped as she stood up quickly in the water when she saw me approach. With wide eyes and trembling lips, she didn't speak a word as she stared back at me in complete fear and shock. We stared at each other for a moment, neither one of us saying a word. She held a muddy rag doll close to her chest that breathed heavily either in fear of me or exhaustion. I looked her over once more, trying to see any signs of trauma or bites. 

"Are you bit?" I asked after a moment, my voice horse but stern. She shook her head hastily, adjusting her weight on her feet as she stood in the shallow water looking up at me with wide eyes. 

I licked my lips, still mentally debating whether or not to leave her here. I could easily. There was part of me that actually wanted to, but the larger part knew that I have to help her--especially if I didn't want to become a complete monster. 

"Do you have a group?" She must have. A girl like her wouldn't have lasted this long if she didn't.

She tried to compose herself as much as she could before shaking her head, "I did...but they're missing."

I let out a long breath before stepped down into the water with an outstretched hand, "Come on, let's get you out of this water."

She didn't move for a moment as she stared at my hand debating whether or not to take it. I rolled my eyes a little bit, "You can either come with me or you can stay out here and risk yourself against the rotters."

There was a spark of fear in her eyes at the mention of the dead ones. She trudged slowly through the muddy floor before her nimble fingers carefully wrapped around my own. I pulled the child along with me and out of the water.

"We need to make a camp for the night, no good being out here at night."

There really was no time for pleasantries at a time like this. Night was coming fast and being out in the middle of the woods was not wise. I took my hunting knife from my boot and held it out for the girl to take but she just stared at it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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