Chapter 1

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The story will be told in Dylan's POV unless I say it's in someone else's~ enjoy

"Shit shit shit shit shit," I muttered, running down the hallways, my feet thudding on the hard tiled floors. I couldn't be late to class for the third time this month or I would get detention.

I ran into English class, my chest heaving as I tried to catch my breath. "Dylan, you're late." Mrs.Dawson said. Gee, thanks I wasn't aware of that.

"I'm only late by five minutes though," I argued, pointing to my classmates who hadn't even gotten their textbooks out. She clicked her tongue, "Late is Late. And if I'm not mistaken.. this is your third one this month. Detention after school. Room 2335."

I gritted my teeth and walked to my desk. There was no point arguing with her because whenever she makes up her mind, she rarely ever changes it. I have to go write my will now because if my mom ever knew I got a detention she'd beat me with her slippers.

Aaron looked at me and snorted. "What're you laughing about asshole?" Aaron looked at me with a smug face, "The goody two shoes finally got a detention." I rolled my eyes and sat down, "you must be used to it. Detention is basically your second home."

He flipped me off. "Aaron. Do you want detention also?" Mrs.Dawson asked. "Don't worry Mrs.D!" He called out "Already have one from Vice Principal Jacobson,"

Great. I was stuck in detention with none other than Aaron. Today was gonna be a very long day.

"Everybody listen up," Mrs.Dawson said clapping her hands to get the students to quiet down. "As you all know, finals are coming up. I don't want to be like those basic teachers who give out tests. I want you all to actually learn something and have a memory of it. So as our final project we will be acting out one of Shakespeare's plays. We will have a variable of adding a modern twist to the play."

I internally groaned. Why was Mrs.Dawson so extra? Like, give us a test and let's get it over with.

"Why? Mrs.Dawson! Do you actually hate us that much?" A boy named Ryan whined from his chair. A few boys started groaning and muttering their disproval. The girls all shot lasers at us with their eyes. "I love this idea," a girl in the front row piped up. The other girls nodded their approval.

"Mrs.D, which play will we do?" Hayden asked. "I haven't really assigned which plays each class will do.. but I was thinking, maybe Romeo and Juliet."

As soon as the words 'Romeo and Juliet' passed her lips, many of the girls started squealing. I winced at the sound. Do you know how high female voices could go?!

"I get to be Juliet!" Emily chirped. "Nuh-uh! I am," Lilia fought back. The girls started bickering about who got to get the main lead, and I was beginning to get a headache. The realization that I had detention after school made me wanna drop out of school and become a hobo.

"Calm down!" Mrs.Dawson yelled trying to quiet everyone down. "I won't be picking the cast today. For now start finishing the annotations for the short story we read last class and...."


It was finally lunch and I was a hundred percent convinced that time was slowing down. I walked over to my usual table and greeted my friends, they were already in deep conversation about the 'hot new transfer student'.

"She's in my first period, and oh my~ is she a hottie," Shawn said, trying to wink. I flicked his forehead, "stop doing that. It looks like you have a twitch in your eye. And second don't you already have a girlfriend?"

"Yeah he does, and she's standing right here,"

I looked behind me and saw Bora. "Oooh shit. You in trouble my dude," Jaxon whistled, eating his pasta. I sat down chuckling. "Flick him again will you?" Bora said, sitting down on Shawn's other side. I did and he scowled in return. "This is why I'm dumb. Y'all keep flicking my brain cells out!"

"Like you had any brain cells to start with," Bora replied, chuckling and ruffling his hair.


My last two periods of the day went by slowly and when the bell dismissing us from school rang, a rush of relief swept through me. I was almost about to walk out of the school when I was pulled by my collar. "What the fuck?" I turned around and was met with Aaron's light blue eyes.

"Detentions that way," he said smirking. I had totally forgotten about detention. Fuckkkk!

I swatted away his hand, "I know" I growled. "Sure" Aaron said, a flicker of annoyance passing his face.

I walked into detention and there were only 3 other kids there. A girl who was in my AP Bio class. And two guys I didn't know. None of them bothered to look up, even the teacher.

"Take a seat," the teacher said, his eyes focused on grading his papers. I walked to the back of the classroom and sat by the window. I heard a chair scoot back in the desk next to me and saw Aaron. I looked at him, then the 50 other open seats, and back at him.

"You have a problem?" He asked, cocking his eyebrow. "No.. but why?" I asked, making sure to keep my voice low so the teacher wouldn't get us in more trouble. "That girl over there," he said pointing to the girl in my Bio class, Allison "she's like madly in love with me. And don't you have some girl-repelling powers. I could rea-"

"Hey Aaron~" Allison said, walking over to us.

"Fuck fuck fuck. Why aren't your powers working?!" He muttered. I rolled my eyes and got up and left to a different seat.

15 minutes.

30 minutes

45 minutes

Finally I could go home now. The teacher let us out and I all but ran outta there. When I got outside, I let out a frustrated groan. The sky was dark and cloudy and it was obviously about to rain.

My mom was in no place financially to buy me a car, so I had to walk everyday. And of course, I just had to leave my umbrella at home. I quickly pulled up my hood and started walking before it started raining really hard.

I was halfway to my house when the rain started pelting down hard. Was this water or fucking rocks?

I readjusted my hood and kept walking. Before long I was soaked to the bone and my teeth were chattering with the cold. I looked up as a red sports car cruised along side the sidewalk I was walking on. I looked through the open window and saw none other than Aaron. He probably came to gloat that he had a dry warm car while I had to freeze in the rain. I was about to tell him off when he said two words I wasn't expecting.

"Get in"

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