Chapter 6

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Yejun and I walked home quickly. I hadn't realized how much time we had spent at the park, because it was still pretty light outside. Once we reached home I took a double take. There were two cars in the driveway.

Despite me not liking my father much, I couldn't help but feel a bit happy that he was home. "Dad!! He finally came home!" Yejun said excitedly as he ran to the front door. I unlocked the door, and I could hear my mother and father in the middle of a heated argument. They abruptly stopped when they heard the front door open. I made out my mom hissing, "behave in front of the children," before she came out and smiled at us.

"Hey guys," she said smiling, "your fathers back." I could see her smile tightening, and I knew then that my mom and dad hadn't worked things out. Dad followed mom out the door and Yejun raced to give him a hug. "Daddy you're back!" Dad awkwardly patted his shoulder as Yejun hugged him. I looked at him in disgust. He couldn't even act normal around his own son.

"Great. Dads back," I said wryly. I walked up to my room not bothering to even talk to him. How dare he leave for days on end, come back and expect us to welcome him back. I slammed my bedroom door for good measure and flopped onto my bed.

I started finishing some homework to pass the time, but my mom interrupted me a few minutes later. "Honey, we're going to eat dinner now. Come downstairs."

"Is dad gonna be there?" I asked, disgust laced into my tone. She looked at me with a stern face, "he's still your Father Dylan,"

"Yeah, what a great father," I sighed, getting up and walking with my mom downstairs. Yejun and Dad were already seated at the table, a heaping amount of food was settled in front of them. I slumped into my seat looking anywhere, but my dad. No one talked, except for Yejun who was yammering on about his day.

After a few awkward minutes dad got up and gruffly said, "I'm going out." He walked past me and I shot out my hand and grabbed his wrist, "where you going?" I asked through gritted teeth.

"None of your damn business," he replied, wriggling his wrist out of my grasp. He walked towards the door and I kicked back my chair and followed him.

"What the hell are you doing?!" I asked once we were out of earshot, "you think you can just come back home, mess everything up and leave again?!"

"I had a feeling you don't want me here," he replied gruffly. "Yeah. You're right. I don't want you here. But Yejun does. He needs his father, even if his father is a crappy man."

His eyes quickly turned to anger, "you don't know the first thing about family," my dad said. "And you do?" I scoffed, "you go to the bar and hookup with women half your age, while your wife and your children are at home worried about you."

"Get out of my face," he snarled, pushing me away. The only thing I could do was watch him walk out the door and drive off. I walked back into the dining room and erased the frown off my face for Yejun's sake.

"Where did daddy go?" Yejun asked. "Oh.. uh, he had some work at his office that he completely forgot about and had to go get it," something in my face must've not been convincing enough because Yejun looked down at his food, picking at it, his mood dull.

My mom changed the subject, "Yejun, how was the park today?" His mood immediately lifted, "I got a girlfriend mom! She's so pretty, I met her at..."

I sat down and smiled. My dad might not be in the picture anymore but this was my family. The only one I care about anyway.


I stared at my clock, the numbers 11:34 blinking in bright red. Whatever I did I couldn't seem to fall asleep. I heard the downstairs front door open and I knew by the heavy steps that it was my dad.

"Where the hell did you go?" I heard my mothers muffled voice say. "You know how sad Yejun was. Why can't you just care about our family?"

"Care about the family? I tried! But I just can't. Dylan was my one hope. But no! He just had to pursuit photography. Photography doesn't pay bills. And Yejun.. he isn't even our real son."

My hands clenched into fists. How dare he. Did he actually say he didn't consider Yejun as his son.

"Get out. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" My mom screamed at him.

"What the hell? You want me to get out of my own house? The house that I pay the bills for so your sorry ass isn't homeless? I'm done giving you charity. I want you and those kids out of my house by tomorrow."

I heard more heavy steps and then the front door slammed shut. I could feel angry tears brimming. I looked over at Yejun's bed and could hear his quiet sobs. Shit. Don't tell me he heard all of that.

I got out of my bed and slipped into his bed. "Yejun.." I said quietly.

"I-is it true," he hiccuped, "that- that no one wants me?"

I wrapped him in hug, "look at me Yejun. We. Love. You. Ok? Dad.. he's not a good person, so don't care about what he says."


"Shh.. Yejun. We love you ok? So go to sleep right now. I need you to rest."

"Ok," Yejun simply said as he fell asleep in my arms. I lightly brushed the hair away from his forehead, and fell asleep myself.

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